The online racing simulator
ndebug - JOOS MPSYS
(1 post, started )
ndebug - JOOS MPSYS
We have experienced some problems recently whereby our servers (both Z10) would only allow one (occasionally two) racers to connect. Anyone else trying to join would disconnect with a JOOS MPSYS error.

For as long as we can remember whenever there's been an update to the server files we've continued to use our existing setup.cfg file.
When I compared a new setup.cfg file with our old faithful one I noticed that the new one had an additional line for something called ndebug (network debug). I added this to our existing file and the problems went away. Why this problem has only just surfaced I don't know but if you are experiencing a similar issue then this might be of assistance.

ndebug - JOOS MPSYS
(1 post, started )