The online racing simulator
Roundabout Question
(63 posts, started )
#51 - Gunn
Quote from thisnameistaken :
What annoys me is trying to get on a bloody roundabout when half the people using it are giving the wrong signals.

Indeed, and because of that (and despite the law) the safest place to be is in the left lane, and with no indicator!
Quote from Becky Rose :
This is why I tend to approach roundabouts from the point of view of an absolute cynic. I'll make it absolutely totally smegging clear what i'm doing, and expect every other bugger to be acting like they've just fallen off the bottom of the evolutionary ladder. This way I get to keep my place on the evolutionary chain by not dying...

By doing something nobody else does, and no rule book endorses? What you're basically doing is translating right-hand lane etiquette/procedure to every lane. Makes no sense at all to me. That "body language" you speak of should work both ways if you're competent, it's fairly flippin' easy to see which of the drivers waiting as you approach an exit are likely to set off.

Plus if somehow you actually kill yourself in a cage by ramming into the side of a car that pulls out in front of you on a roundabout, (which still could happen even with your nonsense indicator blinking if they don't see it, or they think "outside lane, indicator, must be exiting" in a split second) then you're going at a stupid speed with complete disregard for anyone else, wherever their place on the "evolutionary ladder".

@Gunn - you reckon? I'd say right hand line, inside lane of the roundabout is least vulnerable. If you have an accident from there it's pretty much always your fault, whereas outside lane you're in the firing line of tunnel-vision equipped people inside you leaving.
Quote :By doing something nobody else does,

Actually, no...

Quote :and no rule book endorses?

Since when have rule books ever had any rellevence to anything. I'll use the rules when it suites me to do so (when it agrees with me). If it doesnt then the rulebook is "situationally dependent" or "shouldnt be taken out of context" or somesuch. It's the same thing the religious crowd have been doing for centuries but applied to anarchistic principles.

Rules are there either to provide a standard model, or to resolve dispute between two opposing factions. As opposing factions have always settled disputes by force [in the case of motoring, mass+inertia], rules are therefore only necessary to provide a standard model or basis from which to work from. After that one adapts based upon an instinctive need to 'win', defined in this case as getting from A to B safely.

Think about it, indicating on the approach to a roundabout exit has two possible outcomes:
A - The intended - That person is not taking that exit.
B - The cursory - What the hell is that person doing? I had better wait.

Either result produces an outcome that is acceptable. Without indication the following situations may occur.
A - The more common - That person is carrying on I should wait.
B - The infrequent - I'm a tosser in a BMW and that car isn't coming this way oh yes it is oh smeg oh what have I done and I hope I didnt hurt any cute fluffy animals, wait a minute - it was YOUR fault! Yes, it was, I swear!

Given the potential outcomes for either scenario i'd rather get called a twat than hurt a cute fluffy animal. Particularly if that animal is me.

Anyway as i've said already, I don't drive anymore. I never did use the left hand lane to go straight on much on medium roundabouts (doesnt apply on small or mini roundabouts and big ones have lanes - a lot of how you interpret this discussion is on what roundabout you are visualising, and thats a variable i'm not going to reason out - i'll megrely say that if there is a situation where it is advantageous to think outside of the box, then i'm prepared to be the purpose who does that. If you stick to your rigid rules, particularly the one about braking distances, then i'll probably get stuck in the traffic jam caused by your RTA sooner or later - being a cyclist, I hope it wasnt me you didnt slow right down for when there was an oncoming car).
I'm a bit lost in this thread. I can't quite see what the issue is. But I indicate left and use the left hand lane for left hand exits; I don't indicate ON to the roundabout, indicate left OFF the roundabout and use either lane depending on traffic levels for straight ahead exits; and I use my right indicator ON to the roundabout, left indicator OFF, and the right hand lane for right hand exits. Unless, of course, road markings or other signals indicate otherwise.

I dislike people who don't indicate, who indicate too early, or indicate too late. It's a matter of timing something to a tolerance of a second - even the most retarded fool can do that.
From my personal experience it is the old people who have major problems with roundabouts, they simply have no idea how to get into one and out from one. They use the signals in totally random way and generally have no understanding how it actually works and who has the right of way.

You have people who actually stop into middle of the roundabout to "let" someone into tehh circle, some folks just drive into teh circle thinking they have the right of way and finally there is the use of signals. The use of turning signal (sp?) is so clear anyway: signal only if you want to get out from teh circle or change lanes. Other than that, don't.

2-lane roundabouts are the worst, it is literally totally random what's going to happen when you go behind someone who clearly has no idea. Personally I like roundabouts, mostly because they are fun, especially in anything rwd. Especially in winter they can be fun even in fwd. Just keep the momentum up, use some handbrake and keep the foor on throttle. It almost feels like 4wd slide
#56 - SamH
AFAIK, in Belgium you stop on the circle to let other cars on the roundabout. Unless things have changed since the 90s, when I last stayed in Brussels. Threw me for a loop but fortunately I wasn't driving.
Well I've never seen anyone indicating right as they join a roundabout in the left-hand lane. I'd think they were lost, confused, elderly or drunk if I did. It's anything but clear what that person is going to do. I guess everyone else is wrong though.
Quote from sinbad :Well I've never seen anyone indicating right as they join a roundabout in the left-hand lane. I'd think they were lost, confused, elderly or drunk if I did. It's anything but clear what that person is going to do. I guess everyone else is wrong though.

I cant say i've ever joined a roundabout indicating right. A few flashes as I pass the approach of an exit that i'm not taking on a roudabout where the common/expected path for a vehicle in that lane is to leave, whilst still being legal to carry on - it's just clearing up confusion not creating it. I dont really get what the big deal is .

There are far greater nuicances on the roads, tailgating, driving on or over the speed limit when a young kid is cycling on the adjacent pavement, slowing up by 5mph for a cyclist on a narrow road ahead of a blind bend or oncoming traffic instead of slowing down to 5mph. These are all things that 90+% of drivers do and are, in my view, extremely dangerous.
Quote from Becky Rose :I cant say i've ever joined a roundabout indicating right. A few flashes as I pass the approach of an exit that i'm not taking on a roudabout where the common/expected path for a vehicle in that lane is to leave, whilst still being legal to carry on - it's just clearing up confusion not creating it. I dont really get what the big deal is .

OK, well earlier in the thread you were always in the left-hand lane and always indicating right, and now you're usually using the right-hand lane and rarely indicating at all?

If this is your idea of clearing up confusion I shudder to think how you approach roundabouts.
gah, misquotin' me. No I dont indicate right prior to joining the roundabout if i'm in the left hand lane and looking to skip an exit, but usually i'm in the right hand lane. Still confused, I could try sign language...?

Quote : AFAIK, in Belgium you stop on the circle to let other cars on the roundabout. Unless things have changed since the 90s, when I last stayed in Brussels. Threw me for a loop but fortunately I wasn't driving.

Aye, when I was young my family did a holiday to Malta and it took most of the first week to realise what their roundabout rule was... at first we got the impression that right of way went to who tooted first! Tourists eh...
I always thought the best way to tackle a roundabout was to shut the eyes and pray to God/Allah/Sponge Bob Sqaure Pants (whoever you deity of choice is)
#62 - 5haz
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :I always thought the best way to tackle a roundabout was to shut the eyes and pray to God/Allah/Sponge Bob Sqaure Pants (whoever you deity of choice is)

In North London yes certainly.
my question is why do you guys drive on the left side of the road not the right? but i always thought when going around a bout if you enter the roundabout and are taking the first exit you stay in the left lane and for the second exit you go into the inside lane then merge into the outside lane then exit. But i'm only 14 and i've never driven a car other than on games.

Roundabout Question
(63 posts, started )