The online racing simulator
Drivers and custom views problems..
Hello. Since i have my new LCD with 1600x1200 i have a realy big problem with LFS views. There are some similar threads on the board, so sorry.

The prob is, that in drivers view, which is IMO only one drivable, is central position wrong - and I cannot (or I dont know where) to adjust the horizontal position. The steering wheel is in the centre of monitor, but, this is useless, because I have some space on left for nothing, and no image on right, where i want to see my right mirror for example!

I can adjust horizontal axle in custom view, but there are still some critical problems - no G forces, and, i realy dont know how to turn off driver and wheel !

Only good note for me is, that I have not bought 16:10 monitor.. Only thing that people with it can see is some small dot on the right...
#2 - Krane
Go to options->view. Change to in car view, move Rotate view slider to right until you see the right mirror. If the left mirror goes outside the screen, move the Field of view to the right.

Field of view = 100
Rotate view = 10

For the LX4/LX6 should get you the view you want - or the view I think you want...
I think that's not a good solution... that might be very distracting.
gforces are too in custom view; its one of the external cams, theres 2 of them, one with the forces adn one without.. cant remember which one
As I said in another thread, imo both external cameras support G forces, difference is only what you see in left/right/backward view (ext = normal, ext2 = only wheels)

today, there isnt way how to set up your view properly without hands and wheel

easy solution: make driver seat adjustable in default driver view and remove G forces from ext view (coz ext. onboard cam shouldnt by affected by drivers G forces)