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King George Bush?
(2 posts, started )
King George Bush?
#2 - 5haz

"Article 48 was an article in the constitution of the Weimar Republic of Germany (1919–1933) that allowed the Chancellor to rule by decree without the consent of the Reichstag (parliament) although the president still held veto power. Legislation passed under this article of the constitution was referred to as Notverordnung (emergency decree). Article 48 was used by Adolf Hitler in 1933 to establish a dictatorship, ending the Weimar Republic and ushering in the Third Reich."

They should never put any kind of thing in to a countries constitution that allows the boss to take absolute power in an emergency, because sooner or later, it's bound to be abused.

They say that he who doesn't learn from History is sure to repeat it, well we must never learn then as History is repeating itself.

(ofcourse George Dubya probrably isn't quite as much of an evil nutter as Hitler was :razzSmile

King George Bush?
(2 posts, started )