The online racing simulator
Jagged Graphics on high ???
(8 posts, started )
Jagged Graphics on high ???
Got another weird jaggy you can see from the screenie, it seems that JUST the logo on the bonnet is jaggy... on the skin file it is nice and sharp, and I cant make it any better by playing with the settings..I can make it a LOT worse, but how can I get it to show nice and sharp like its SUPPOSED to be??

Drivers: Latest nVidia (but any give the same problem)
Rez: 1650*1080*32
Attached images
gfx options.jpg
I see no problems. You sure it isn't just your age getting to you? Perhapse you are going blind lol.
#3 - Jakg
What res is the skin?

I think this might be one of the problems with LFS going from .jpg to .dds skins
#5 - Jakg

Could you post the skin file (or just that little bit if your worried about it being stolen?)
Just checked the skins folder, and the *.dds file seems VERY small...checked the other folder with the jpg's in it, and OMGWTFBBQ!!! Bloody pic is 72*72!!! How the hell did THAT happen..I never converted it!
now gonna have to hunt around the archives for the original hi-rez file and see if that makes any difference
on a 2048x2048 skin the hood is probably only 700 pixels or so. Stretching that 700 across the width of the screen will make it blurry and pixelated. Maybe not as much as stretching a 72x72 pixel skin, though... haha
Note to self...take time checking file attributes...
resolution was 72 dpi...size was 1024...although I dont know how it got downsized from 2048.
These skins have ALWAYS shown clearly before, its only since they started using dds files that it has changed...

Jagged Graphics on high ???
(8 posts, started )