The online racing simulator
G25 problem.....I cant find a thread on this problem anywhere
Alrighty, so another g25 thread
Ive tried every thing to fix this problem so if someone gives me advice to fix this you are a g25/lfs master

Ok so I was playing with my g25 and i wanted to charge my ipod so i unplugged my g25 to put in my ipod. ipod was done and i was craving for a lap on AS national so i plugged it back in, went on LFS and when i actualy got on the track, the SLIGHTEST move of the wheel threw the tires from side to side, i mean the steering was so sensitive controling the car on a straight was out of the question:heyjoe67_

SO you would think ok simple fix, ill just go to the profiler and switch it back to nine hundred degrees then go into lfs to make sure it wasnt bumped down to 90 again, nope everythings at 900. back on the track.....same thing

i looked on some lfs forums and saw that my drivers could be corrupt so i dloaded and installed them again, same thing. Went to another thread and saw some settings i had'nt tried, same thing.

ill admit it did get a little better after playing with everything for about two days so now im able to move it a little more than 360 degrees.

keep in mind that changing the settings in lfs, in the control panel g25 settings, or the wingman profiler have no affect on the steerings sensitivity. for example, degrees are at 900.....turns little over 360, turn the degrees down to 90, turns a little over 360

ok so there you go, really long and MAYBE im just really retarted and im not seein sumthin i should because i do that sometimes but im gettin really mad.....sum1 plz HELP!!!!!
turn it all the way from lock to lock after you start lfs to calibrate the wheel
forgot something, the wheel itself turns 900 degrees from lock to lock, its just lfs thats sensing that its set to like 360 or 270....sumthin like that
It happens to us all, its the calibration within LFS.

Simply...set your wheel up to whatever degrees your using, such as 720 degrees on both LFS and the profiler.

Go to Options > Controls > Wheel/js > Axis/FF. Make sure on this menu that 'unlock' is selected under 'recalibrate axis'.

Start a game, at the starting line turn your steering wheel as far right or as far left as possible...this means turning it the full 900 degrees even if the wheel is set lower, when the wheel is centred again it should have calibrated. (This has nothing to do with the wheel itself calibrating when you first plug it in)
In the new software, how do you set 720 degrees????? I can only get 725 or 718, I know it's near enough, just annoys me is all!!!!
Quote from Thorvertonian :In the new software, how do you set 720 degrees????? I can only get 725 or 718, I know it's near enough, just annoys me is all!!!!

Get it to a multiple of 5, then press the left/right arrow keys at fine adjust.