The online racing simulator
Fastest you've gone on a bike
(33 posts, started )
Close to 40mph on flat, with a VERY strong back wind. Could've gone much faster, but I 'ran out of road' . I've also done 56kmh down a long hill, and I've done about 40-ish mph down a short, but VERY steep hill in Austria. That was really scary, especially because the road was very slicky and didn't offer me any grip at all.
41MPH on a mountain bike down a hill in the tow of a van... then i nearly hit the back of it when he braked. i was inches from the back bumper when i finally got it stopped!
Around 60 km/h IIRC
94 mph, in a tuck, down a slight hill.

On my mountain bike, I know I've done at least 25 mph (was following a student driver in a 25 mph zone), and probably about 30 or 35 in other instances.
(speedway) DELETED by speedway
67km. Down a massive hill with my mountain bike.

Made a 30mph flashy sign flash so I'm guessing over 30mph on a pushbike.

Motorbikes, indicated 93mph on my Sachs XTC125. 120mph on a mates Suzi RGV250, 127mph on another mates Aprilia RS250.

Been pillion on quite a few bikes doing crazy speeds, to name a couple, about 160mph on the back of a Honda CBR1100XX Blackbird, 130mph on a Honda Hornet 600.
At the old disused airfield at RAF Binbrook, if it was really windy and the wind was in the right direction me and my friends would take our bikes up onto the runway. We'd get up a bit of speed, take our hands off the handlebars and hold out our coats up like a sail. You could get some absolutely ridiculous speeds like that, without even pedalling.
I've done 50mph/80kmh on a nice downhill.

Fastest you've gone on a bike
(33 posts, started )