The online racing simulator
Ignore User Function
(5 posts, started )
Ignore User Function
In the Connections List screen wherein all connected players are listed, an option to gag a player would be nice. Not just a key to block ALL messages, but just the inane typings of a particular individual.
I see what you are saying but an option to GAG a player..............
+1 for an "i" on the names list to ignore that specific user.

Yes you can always put up with one person, or two, or whatever, but it would be nice to have an 'ignore specific user' function.
Quote from Snake2 :I see what you are saying but an option to GAG a player..............

What are you implying? Gag = ignore. Make them not able to talk to you. A little "I" next to their name, as has already been suggested.
Great idea.

Ignore User Function
(5 posts, started )