The online racing simulator
#1 - JTbo
If your are going to invest display device, peek here
I have seen light, there is no coming back, monitors are all just too tiny.

Yes, I have tested LFS with projector and immersion factor is just insane, I managed to get 67" picture set up really badly as proper setup would require some arrangements, but still it is incredible how good immersion you can get.

95 FOV was used, which is still more than should have, I believe (standard monitors are around 20 degrees of FOV, this setup of mine perhaps even near 60 degrees of FOV to be realistic)
Anyways works lot better than 90 which I use normally with 19" TFT.

One word of warning however, don't buy DLP version, those are not too good as you can see from video, image is flashing in colours, it is not as bad when driving but still you can notice rainbow effect.

I did drive with my laptop so GFX was set to minimum and resolution was 1280x768 widescreen effect turned on, machine is not powerful enough to run good gfx, first time I did miss also AA as with that cheap DLP projector at least pixels were quite large and with AA you could see defineatly improvement, however computer had no power to run that on.

One thing is sure, you need to install projector upside down to get image projected properly, otherwise your head will be on way, that is at least your head.

Also I would say that you would need small table and free space next to wall or whatever you project, so that you can actually drive without looking up and also that you can see dashboard. Dashboard should go really low, bottom of windscreen perhaps 80cm from floor (mainly tested with LX).

But even there are somewhat lot of hazzle, I still would recommend you to buy projector instead of big monitor, specially if prices are pretty close I would not think twice.

First time you enter to corner it is big grin on your face, it is so awesome

Bad quality video, lot of camera noise, bad driving, wheel noise and very little of engine noise coming speakers of laptop
Shadow of my head is blocking dials
Bigger video of that 22MB 640x480, but not much better in other aspects.

Hopefully this helps some to choose better setup, at least try to find possibility to test projector before deciding which one to choose as it is fairly impossible to deliver proper feeling trough videoclips or words, one must experience it first.
The racing centre some of us went to in April had very large projectors, but they suffered from running at a low resolution (giant pixels, combined with you focussing on a very small area of the screen is not great) and the FOV was too high for my tastes. Certainly very cool though and offered something I can't get at home even with 3x 22" displays.
#3 - JTbo
Quote from Bob Smith :The racing centre some of us went to in April had very large projectors, but they suffered from running at a low resolution (giant pixels, combined with you focussing on a very small area of the screen is not great) and the FOV was too high for my tastes. Certainly very cool though and offered something I can't get at home even with 3x 22" displays.

Yes, that giant pixel problem is indeed limiting factor, I believe with proper AA setting and perhaps image size between 60"-50" there is best compromise.

That 67" that I tested was width of image, not from corner to corner, it is quite big when viewed close and pixels are quite big indeed.

But certainly with carefully setting up you can get load better immersion than any monitor setup

I'm looking to get new full HD projector, that would be 1920x1080 which helps a bit I guess, but that is not going to happen too soon as prices are still quite steep, starting from 1.7k at the moment.

HD ready models (720p that is 1280x720) are starting from 1k if you go for quality (recommended) Sanyo Z5 is one really good choice for example. Perhaps good starting point and you can watch movies with it and I guarantee you won't be missing your tv after that
Have played LFS with a few meter wide screen once. The projector was bolted in the sealing and I sat few meters back in a comfy race frame (cheapo and too hot though). It was excellent, there is something that makes that so much different, I guess it's the field of view, somehow I felt I was more aware what is happening. I can recommend it!

Oh, and congrats having another excuse being silly slow.
#5 - JTbo
One of problems with no AA and AF is bit block like graphics

Probably world's most ghetto projector setup. I had to test projector upside down and that was only solution I could quickly come up with, test did show what I suspected and proper mounting is on plans, it won't be as ghetto like

Now who was in need of car service again, you surely trust your precious to my hands?
But you will probably get some AA and AF when your new system arrives? That looks like some sort of Lego edition though.
Nice, been wanting to do the same for a while. But how much you paying for the projector, or for an HD flavour one ?

Have a little looky here, this guy spent £90 building it last year
#8 - JTbo
HD projector is quite lot of money, don't know price of this one I'm playing around with as it is only tested, not going to buy, not enough good for my taste.

I would say 1k for non HD and 2.5k for HD are rough guidelines for good quality.

With my current system I can use AA and AF too, but I just have not enough long DVI cable so I could use only laptop, tuesday should fix that
I wouldn't pay over a grand for a projector to play games on. I might build a ghetto projector using the Tom's Hardware Guide... er, guide, though.

Actually... Anybody know how far away you need to place an OHP to get a decent-sized (60"+) projection? Would placing it a few feet away do it?
Quote from thisnameistaken :I wouldn't pay over a grand for a projector to play games on. I might build a ghetto projector using the Tom's Hardware Guide... er, guide, though.

Actually... Anybody know how far away you need to place an OHP to get a decent-sized (60"+) projection? Would placing it a few feet away do it?

friend of mine has his about 2-3 metres away from the screen which give him a diagonal of 1.5-2 metres
however tbh those projectors are rather rubbish unless you invest in a high quality projector and a good lcd which will put both the bulbs and the projector itself into the normal beamer price range
You'd appreciate the setup in our 12x14 dorm room. I got a projector from my high school. So we have a 72" image projected on the wall from the projector, which is hung from the closet door with a pretty cool homemade shelf from some home depot parts. Add to that the G25 on a small table right in front and the z5300e setup (surround correctly installed in the room) and the effect is amazing! Anyone who walks by asks to try and drive it. I'll agree, it's even better than running it on two 19" monitors which is much higher resolution.
Quote from JTbo :HD projector is quite lot of money, don't know price of this one I'm playing around with as it is only tested, not going to buy, not enough good for my taste.

I would say 1k for non HD and 2.5k for HD are rough guidelines for good quality.

Ouch, thats gonna leave a nasty scar....

Another thing to remember is the cost of the bulbs. A bulb for the ghetto/OHP build are about four times cheaper and last five times longer than the bulb in a "readymade" projector.

And the screen in the professional projector is tiny, probably no bigger than 4 inch, compare that to the 15 inch jobbie strapped to that guys OHP.... and I'm sure if you built a new case for an OHP you could attach an even bigger and better LCD screen ? How much is an HD LCD monitor these days ?

Granted all this build yer own stuff can be a bit of a fanny on, but with the money you'd be saving means you could put the extra cash into one of those TripleHead2Go thingys. Imagine playing LFS or FSX with 3 huge screens
#13 - JTbo
One thing you also will like is widescreen, what ever method you aim to get projected image, for LFS widescreen is quite good to have as most of bottom part is interior of car with default incar camera and you would like to get middle of eyepoint to middle of windscreen, so widescreen helps there + you can use bit more FOV.

Sourcing OHP is one problem, I remember few years ago when I needed to find one, most of shops didn't sell, "old tech, buy fancy computer projector" then some did sell, but price was stupid.

But surely such setup should give nice impression too, put 3 70" widescreen pics together and indeed that is really nice, add 3d shutter glasses to that and you start to believe that you are actually in car

If you would like to get cheap projector that is 500, but I'm pretty sure it is worthwhile to investigate this OHP solution too if you are interested to get better immersion.

I would say that forget getting 30" dell monitor or something like that, with price of that one could get decent projector

Another DIY projector video
It's probably better, cheaper and more fun to build your own OHP to be honest, the only limiting factor would be the size of the frensal lens. As far as i can tell the biggest ones available are 15x15 inch, and this does limit the size of the LCD to be used, and obviously that in turn will limit the resolution (perhaps ?)

As far as widescreen is concerned, there is a program called wideview something or other that alot of flightsimmers use, (not sure if it'd work with LFS ?). It basically stretches the image across as many screens as you want without the need for extra windows. So in theory you could have a nice seemless vista, maybe using a 180 degree curved screen. Or if you wanted to really go mad, use six projectors with a full 360 degree screen you could even put real wing mirrors on your table (although if you used Volvo mirrors they'd probably fall off, or rust )

Imagine doing a full 360 simulator for FSX, 30,000 foot up and no parachute
I have recently bought a Pany lcd projector . When I have got it all installed/setup properly (not perched on top of my tv) I will post a pic.

Should look great & improve the immersion factor in LFS no end.
#16 - JTbo
Posted this to another part of board, but thought it might be useful in this thread too. My projector setup as in current development version
Attached images
:bigeyes2::eye-poppi is that not BIGGER than real life?
#18 - JTbo
Quote from Turbo Dad ::bigeyes2::eye-poppi is that not BIGGER than real life?

No it is not unfortainly, would need 2 more to get even close, but even one is better than 3 monitor setup and cheaper
What's the size of the projected image?
Set up LFS on mates 46" sony LCD and it appeared to be life-size!!
#20 - JTbo
Quote from Turbo Dad :What's the size of the projected image?
Set up LFS on mates 46" sony LCD and it appeared to be life-size!!

Around 100" wide, but don't know how much that is diagonal.