The online racing simulator
Quote from xaotik :That'd be absolutely senseless, especially for a subject like this that we both agree we essentially know dick all about.

As for the thing that REALLY ires me and got me caught up in this discussion is the mentality behind posts like mustang's above; all too eager to consume the most "esoteric" version of the truth without pausing to actually look up the stuff mentioned in this truth or find out who exactly is publishing it.

Coz im tired reading the posts,that 100 people has 101 opinions,every1 goes differnet way.. anyway yes i was lil strange sorry...(this all 911 just pissing me off)
If we all had the same opinion the world would be boring as bat-shit
/takes bait

Yes, it most certainly would.
Quote from 510N3D :This may be sounds a bit odd or maybe not but im just curious if the kkk has ever been considered?

whoever it was its obviously god punishment for the us harbouring fags (phelps ftw)
Quote from Shotglass :whoever it was its obviously god punishment for the us harbouring fags (phelps ftw)

Damned queers.

Quote from Hankstar :Yes, it most certainly would.

Oh no, it wouldn't.
Yep y'all are right. It IS a conspiracy cover-up. See, when JFK rose from the dead with his Army of Darkness, It created a cataclysmic vortex. The scientists that later formed NASA knew this by interpreting the Mayan calendar in 1947 in New Mexico. That's why all the space stuff is in the Southern part of the country instead of like in New York.
And they realized that the towers were going to be ground zero back in 1978 and planted time delayed explosives in the building. But when Princess Di died, she passed off this information to JFK in the netherworld. She got the information from the UK's greatest secret agent operating in the USA. No, not 007, (gheesh!) Big Foot.
Using this knowledge, JFK dispatched gremlins to take over random flying airplanes to slam into the buildings an HOUR BEFORE the vortex was to take place. And for good measure, hit the pentagon.
The government, on the advice of NASA and David Hasselhoff, decided to pick passengers at random from those planes to use as scape goats to cover up the fact that Armageddon had indeed started. They were just lucky that they found a group of losers in this child pedo ring called Al Quida that were on these planes.
Thus the "war on terror" was formed to cover up the real Battle.
Read your tarot cards and use numerology to decipher blogs from major political parties all over the world. It's all there. Tu-Pac knew all this. He tried to tell us subliminally thru his lyrics and we see what that got him. Why do you think he said the scariest part of dying is the chance of reincarnation?
WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! it's all happening now!. But there is a chance you can be saved from the impending doom. Eat at Mc Donald's. That's why the Knights Templar put them all over the world for
Quote from xaotik :Oh no, it wouldn't.

I'm telling you it would! This isn't an argument anyway, it's just contradiction.

Racer Y, that was gold man It's a conspiracy theory worthy of FOX News
Racer Y, that was absolutely classic!
Quote from Racer Y :Yep y'all are right. It IS a conspiracy cover-up. See, when JFK rose from the dead with his Army of Darkness, It created a cataclysmic vortex. The scientists that later formed NASA knew this by interpreting the Mayan calendar in 1947 in New Mexico. That's why all the space stuff is in the Southern part of the country instead of like in New York.
And they realized that the towers were going to be ground zero back in 1978 and planted time delayed explosives in the building. But when Princess Di died, she passed off this information to JFK in the netherworld. She got the information from the UK's greatest secret agent operating in the USA. No, not 007, (gheesh!) Big Foot.
Using this knowledge, JFK dispatched gremlins to take over random flying airplanes to slam into the buildings an HOUR BEFORE the vortex was to take place. And for good measure, hit the pentagon.
The government, on the advice of NASA and David Hasselhoff, decided to pick passengers at random from those planes to use as scape goats to cover up the fact that Armageddon had indeed started. They were just lucky that they found a group of losers in this child pedo ring called Al Quida that were on these planes.
Thus the "war on terror" was formed to cover up the real Battle.
Read your tarot cards and use numerology to decipher blogs from major political parties all over the world. It's all there. Tu-Pac knew all this. He tried to tell us subliminally thru his lyrics and we see what that got him. Why do you think he said the scariest part of dying is the chance of reincarnation?
WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! it's all happening now!. But there is a chance you can be saved from the impending doom. Eat at Mc Donald's. That's why the Knights Templar put them all over the world for

Respect mate

I knew that we'd get you to see sense finally.