The online racing simulator
Wingman FF GP force feedback problem
Hi all,
till my purchase of Logitech Wingman Formula Force GP I had a strange behaviour of force feedback: when idling on track my wheel keeps oscillating (starting with 10 degrees with 2-3 Hz frequency) and sometimes keeps going from lock to lock if I don't stop it. Very disappointing (I can't chat with 2 hands on keyboard when I'm idle on track). I had this problem in other racing games, but for instance in rFactor I solved it setting overall force strength to -75%. Is there something I can change for inverting ff in LFS too?
Actually my Options->Control force strength is set to 60%.
Any help would be appreciated.
Had that too - infact still have it a bit in some cars like the FOX.
A way to tone it done (and eradicate it in most cars) is to set the Analog Smoothing to about 0.5 or so (options->game if I remember right).
Thank you for lightspeed answer, I'll test it tonight at home, it seems to me I've already tested it but I'll try again. I'm still wondering to know if it's possible to invert ff in LFS (or this is the so called option eg. in F1C).

Tested it and it doesn't solve the problem, too much wheel lag with that Analog smooth value. I think there would be a combination of Control Panel/LFS Options which solves this strange behaviour. Those evil racing games (not simulations :P f1ch, rfactor and so on...I'm just kidding) don't suffer of this problem.
Not sure it's same I experienced, but it turned out it disappeared when I went to Options / Controls, and there the top slider ( 1st one ) was set high ( like 600 ) and I took it down to 180 for a starter. It solved the problem completely, but may not be same as yours as I have little trouble understanding the 'idle' term ( LOL ) and the technical description.
Quote from Astro [ BJRL ] :may not be same as yours as I have little trouble understanding the 'idle' term ( LOL ) and the technical description.

'to idle' means to do nothing, to be more specific: when his car stands still on the track, his wheel starts to shake from left to right. I have that too and dont know how to fix it, yet.
I have that too, but i just pull out the ff cable
My solution
Ok sirs at last I've found the solution.
Unfortunately it involves launching LFS from Wingman Profiler (which I wouldn't it throws other problems sometimes).
I've set in the profiler's LFS profile under Steering wheel properties "Sensitivity"=50% "Dead Zone"=2% and magically my wheel stopped that crazy shaking. Hope it works for you too.