The online racing simulator
indicator sound
(11 posts, started )
indicator sound
You'll need LFs CSR for that which I think doesn't work in the recent patches and I think only licensed ppl can use it; correct me if I'm wrong
Hmm I thought CSR CAN be used by Demo-ers? And it's for Patch U btw... Long time about like last year.
i have a LFS sound editor, but i have NO IDEA how it work's, and i don't exactly know were to adjust the indicator sound, so if someone has a manual, pls give it to me

CSR does work for demo users, as I was one when it came out.
CSR also works in Patch X10. Works in all patches. It's an outgage app, not an insim app.
oooo im d'loading right now btw does anyone have decent sound packs for CSR? mike do you have one?
does anyone have a decent manual for CSR, to tell me how it work's, because i really wan't real life sound's and indicators and all ..
I gues a real manual for the CSR have only the developers of CSR
So us demo-ers won't have a chance to try it?
+1 would love to get this feature back....

indicator sound
(11 posts, started )