The online racing simulator
#1 - Slopi
About Reporting under new X system...
It's all fine and good that we can report in game now, but can we still send in reports while out of game? The reason I ask is, it's a lot better (for me) to go back and look at the replay at least once before reporting. This way I know if I'm over-reacting, if it was a true race accident or if it's a legit report. As is, I have have a problem even knowing who did what (especially on the BnJ server) due to the chaos. I'd hate to just guess and hit report based on the flash of color I saw smash into my rear.

Thanks for any feedback.
Currently the only way to report is in game, but the methodology still lets you work the way you want too - when you fill in all the details and 'FILE' the report, it is not submitted to the admins. It sits on your account and you can edit the report, submit it or delete it, and email yourself the link to the replay file.

Whilst on the subject of reports the ban system is not yet in place, we've been working on the reporting system whilst the system was still opening. Sam has finished the back end system last night, and it's awesome , and today I hope to get the chance to feed the details back in from the web system and enact any bans. All outstanding bans will be ennacted though, so dont fear We've nearly caught up on the reports too.
#3 - Slopi
Awesome work. Thanks for the feedback