The online racing simulator
i am the worst in the world accoding to lfs users (online)
can the devs set up a ban thing for insulting?
#2 - Jakg
what exactly do you mean?

Perhaps its the content of your posts that makes people dislike you...?
I thought it was me but guss not they will get fed up saying it over and over.
Are the details of what this thread is actually about anywhere inside this thread? Because I think i've missed the point.
Quote from Becky Rose :Are the details of what this thread is actually about anywhere inside this thread?

Yes, it's in the first post. Other online racers have (repeatedly?) called the OP the worst racer in the world, and he wants them banned for personal insults.
#6 - ajp71
Put some miles on gain some experience and learn to drive cleanly and soon people will have no reason to insult you. I'd recommend starting in an easy car like the UF1 on short circuits, NOT the BF1 on the oval, it really won't help you at all for anything else.
Just use sarcasm to discourage them from further insults. For example:

"Stop that or I'll call my mommy who is the admin!"
"You hurt my feelings "
"I am rubber you are glue"
#8 - efast
Quote from ajp71 :NOT the BF1 on the oval, it really won't help you at all for anything else.

so classic
MRT is the car to learn racing with. You can see around easily, it's small, has tons of grip, and most importantly it kills you if you are not smooth enough and drive like a heffalump. MRT MRT MRT, and repeat.
Quote from Blackout :MRT is the car to learn racing with. You can see around easily, it's small, has tons of grip, and most importantly it kills you if you are not smooth enough and drive like a heffalump. MRT MRT MRT, and repeat.

I think that as well. trouble is, there are rarely any MRT servers running anymore.

It's not any of my business, but I think the STCC(?) servers - the gold/bronze servers might wanna add that car to their line-up. It's all that you mentioned and then some
Quote from ajp71 :lol like the double meaning

LOL, I read his post as so (the word) classic never thinking of South City, then read your quoted text and only saw SO Classic the track. I thought "where did someone mention south city?" and had to scroll back up to see it.
This is targetted at both Shaun and Faster;

The reason there is some unpleasant feelings towards you two from some of the community is because you both post nonsensical jargon, refuse to use proper english, do not explain yourselves or your posts (I still don't know if this thread is about your racing, Shaun, or your status in the community's eyes) and neither of you seem willing to contribute to the community. Especially Faster, who was generously given a license and only seems to post about Warrock... Also, you both complain about how you are being treated by the community, but refuse to heed it's advice on how to earn respect. I suppose that's an age thing; you are both very young and most kids your age are like that it seems, but at some point you will have to take responsibility, and fix things yourselves. I hope that time comes sooner, rather than later.

There have been some overly harsh posts, but some of the negative posts about you two have been warranted, in my opinion.
I remember when I first saw Shaun online, I welcomed him to S2
The best way to attract criticism is to start threads asking "why does everyone hate me?" I'd all but forgotten about you and faster11!111 and your generally pointless but occasionally mind-bogglingly stupid threads & posts (not to mention your continuing assault on English - what did it ever do to you anyway?) and then this waste of a thread pops up.

I mean, seriously:

"Can the devs set up a ban thing for insulting?"

Can you think of a stupider question to ask? If you have the impression that loads of people think you act like a fool, maybe you should examine exactly how it is you act ... those loads of people may have a point.
I just think the best thing Shaun can do, is just keep his head down.

Like the Hank-Meister General has just pointing out, its the whole attention grabbing and silly thread making that makes people thing (and no offence with this one) "Not this idiot again"

Just think twice before you post, think..."Will I get flamed for saying this?" "Is this a valid point I'm making" I understand you may be young, just don't be to hasty to hit the Reply button and type what ever comes into your head.

Good luck with this, and don't beat yourself up about it. Don't think "Everyone hates me" or "I am the worst in the world" It could have huge consequences. Also, this whole negative attitude is Emo like behavior and you will just get flamed even more for it.
Alright, I'm gonna be funderful and I'm gonna change the "UKCT Canadia" server to MRT@SO1.
Actually, this thread shows the downfall of the lfs community, where's the good old sportmanship? who cares if shaun cannot drive, or speak proper, or understand the world around him. We, the people who are older than him, should show him the ropes around this twisted and mature world of LFS, everyone needs to be treated as a person, insults just make this sim just another online game with bunch of people playing it and trying to make their poor day a bit brighter by screaming to another poor souls face, just like his/her boss just did a minute ago at work. I say be patient and cheer others on the go when they make any improvement, when someone is really struggling, spectate the driver and give pointers how to be faster(111).

Brain disconnected.
Taavi, I'd haffto agree, there are some people who trying to show how to drive is totally lost on (as you could see with 5 mins in STCC 1b...), but others who try and be involved in the community and attempt to get better should be better supported. It almost seems like us forumers need to get more of us driving together with the lesser experienced drivers, to provide them with a more comfortable locale to drive in, rather than the scary perspective of being alone out in a S2 land.
Quote from Racer Y :I think that as well. trouble is, there are rarely any MRT servers running anymore.

I have my server running the MRT at Aston Cadet, the problem is not many people actually race it these days. My server is called MRT Racing 24-7
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I have my server running the MRT at Aston Cadet, the problem is not many people actually race it these days. My server is called MRT Racing 24-7

That's nice, there are still few MRT servers around, but as you said mostly they are empty. By the way, is it possible change the track on yours, or is it Aston cadet only? I really hate the servers with locked tracks :P
Its not even at AS1 anymore :P, his is at FE1R, I can reset mine to be select again, Its at SO1 right now.
I think your being a bit harsh on him/them. They seem to be kids. Kids do silly things; thats true.. but they can be pointed to the correct direction without abuse. These days it seems; people have less patience and are too quick to jump on someone rather than give them some help. Jumping on someone never solves anything. You catch more flies with honey.

As for anyone who wants help though I'm not fast lol; my server is happy to help anyone who really wants/needs it. Venus Racing. Also use formula Xr; but when its the other name; I'm much more open to making a track/car conducive to helping someone.

Quote from MAGGOT :This is targetted at both Shaun and Faster;

The reason there is some unpleasant feelings towards you two from some of the community is because you both post nonsensical jargon, refuse to use proper english, do not explain yourselves or your posts (I still don't know if this thread is about your racing, Shaun, or your status in the community's eyes) and neither of you seem willing to contribute to the community. Especially Faster, who was generously given a license and only seems to post about Warrock... Also, you both complain about how you are being treated by the community, but refuse to heed it's advice on how to earn respect. I suppose that's an age thing; you are both very young and most kids your age are like that it seems, but at some point you will have to take responsibility, and fix things yourselves. I hope that time comes sooner, rather than later.

There have been some overly harsh posts, but some of the negative posts about you two have been warranted, in my opinion.

i play for lfs now and post about lfs now.
tssk, all lies, apart from me, bagbag is the worst racer in the world!