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What would you recommend?
(17 posts, started )
What would you recommend?
Im and 15 and im trying to get bigger(muscle wise) what would you guys recommend? I am looking into Creatine...Its healthy for you I dont want something thats gonna kill me 3 months downt he road.

So what would you recommend?
#2 - Vain

If you're 15 then I suggest not to take any body-building supplements. Maybe protein shakes or something like that, I don't know.

Your best option is to work out I would have thought.
#4 - joen
Creatine is harmless, it's just a supplement and certainly won't kill you. And it can help. It's not like steroids or something.
But these will only help ofcourse when working out
Good food is very important, get lots of proteine. So eat eggs, cottage cheese (as I believe it's called in english), potatoes on a daily basis. There's proteine supplements which you can use right after working out as well.
Well im 235 lbs its all from football and some im trying to make that all muscle. And im kinda inpatient...which is a bad i want muscle now and im tryin to figure the best way to get it without hurting myself...maby i will ask my cousin whome runs a gym which trains body builders.....forgot about
#6 - joen
Then you won't get them. If you're not willing to invest time and effort in it there's only the unnatural way which I would definitely not recommend.
#7 - Davo
whats that in kilos? think its a lot anyway. How tall are you? You should start by eating right and adjusting your diet along with working out. Protein shakes etc are only for putting on more weight and muscle, but first you have to lose some weight.
Quote from Davo :whats that in kilos? think its a lot anyway. How tall are you?

106.82 Kilos and im 5'9"

I workout all the just my muscle gain is slow...thats what the doc i asked him if it would set it faster if i got a suppliment he recommended Creatine....
#9 - th84
I think you should ask this guy.....
Attached images
try swimiming. Not only does it it pump the muscles up like crazy, but it's really easy to burn a lot of fat doing it too. 10 hours a week(15-17 miles) is what i do on my swim team. Your not moving fast, but it does a shit load of good for you.
do swimming but it was to late to join the team..i might go to the local pool and swim
I want to know how to gain weight. I'm 5' 5'', and I weigh 40 kilos! My growth was stunted when I was 13-14yrs old, because of constipation. Which, was caused by stress. This year, I am crapping every day! I have very little muscle too. My legs are really weak. I just can't find the time to like workout or something. And, I don't want to work out at a local gym and be subject to embarassment. But, on second thought, I could give a sh*t less about what anyone thinks of me. I just am really lazy. I sit around at my computer so much, why am I so thin?

Sorry for hijacking your thread BTW. My body type is way different then yours! I'm one of those rail thin kinds!
Quote from scoobyrbac :I workout all the just my muscle gain is slow...thats what the doc i asked him if it would set it faster if i got a suppliment he recommended Creatine....

rubbish creatin is only usefull once youve worked out for quite some time and know hot to hit your limits each and every workout ... then and only then taking creatin for a FEW wekks will have a sizeable effect
although i wouldnt recommend a harsh body building routine to someone whos 15 and whos body is still growing taller
My advice is NOT to 'bulk up' umtil you have finished growing, about 18/19 usually..
reason for this is that if the muscles get too big proportionally then it DOES inhibit proper bone growth.
I know this from experience, I now have a 'sunken chest' caused directly from having massive pecs at 17.

Leave it a few years mate.
Yep - don't take anything, but eat healthier if you want to be healthier.

Supplements, shakes, powders, etc are designed for athletes that are pushing themselves at their limits.

You are not at your limits. You need to start a regular exercise routine, let yourself grow properly and make the changes gradually.

If you're impatient then it's time to suck it up and stop being so. Making yourself healthy needs regular attention for a long time, and that's a cold, hard fact. Cut out the bad food, eat good food and start building exercise (like swimming, not pumping iron) into your life.

See how you feel after that, and if you're still not happy when your body has found it's natural healthy shape then I suppose your doctor will advise you on the best way to go about things. Good luck!
I would recommend Colostrum if you want to build yourself muscles. Bovine Colostrum is only present in cows milk for 48h after a calf is born so its the most nutritious milk, colostrum is then extracted from the acces milk the calf doesn't drink and cleaned up for human consumption but it still isnt very know and not sold widely but it has many benefits including fast repair and growth of muscles. Do a bit of searching on the net and read more on it It's been in a few mags and athletes and bodybuilders have been using it.

also a good link

It is also all natural so you won't be harming your body in anyway.

Quote from wheel4hummer :I want to know how to gain weight. I'm 5' 5'', and I weigh 40 kilos! My growth was stunted when I was 13-14yrs old, because of constipation. can take half of mine...

What would you recommend?
(17 posts, started )