The online racing simulator
Per car view settings
(2 posts, started )
#1 - Woz
Per car view settings
Currently under the view option there are a number of settings that are on a per car basis. The clocks type, mirror type and wheel display are grouped in this block BUT are not saved on a per car basis, this should be updated.

This is an issue for me as I run a FOV or 63deg which means I can't always see the clocks or mirrors etc. Also I normall run without the wheel displayed which causes issues with BF1 and FO8.
  • BF1 - I have wheel displayed + virtual mirrors
  • MRT - I have virtual clocks and mirror
  • F08 - I have wheel displayed
  • OTHER - Clocks real, mirrors real and wheel off.
If these setting are part of the per car group can they be made to function as such otherwise move them out of that display block to stop the confusion.
+1, Annoying when i have to change my settings when switching from Wheel to KB.

Per car view settings
(2 posts, started )