The online racing simulator
Now THIS is a motorbike 600bhp
(23 posts, started )
Now THIS is a motorbike 600bhp
he's selling that for $20,000? with $50,000 modification.... he must be mental lol
#3 - JJ72
I wouldn't pay a penny if I decide to kill myself, so $20000 for a suicidal tool is actually quite expensive.
600 hp? Jesus!
And i always thinked 100 hp are enough to have fun!
Cant even figure how it is to have 6 times that...
But ehm... does that thing turn? OMG Look how far are the wheels!
This thing remins me of the Fefnir bike Cloud rides in Final Fantasy Advent Children the movie.Now all it needs 6 sword keeping compartments.....
Sick sick sick bike

Wonder how fast it goes...
#7 - JTbo
Looks like that it has done only for straight line use, might have also somewhat interesting amount of turbo lag
Hell yeah, some SERIOUS turbo lag, could you imagine riding it in the wet? LMAO
#9 - JTbo
Quote from danowat :Hell yeah, some SERIOUS turbo lag, could you imagine riding it in the wet? LMAO

boooooWOOOOOSHHH, then next thing you hear is someone shouting CLEAR and you can see your body bending a bit as paramedics try to kickstart your heart after that horrible crash let's hope that won't never happen, but something like that it would be on wet
And once again:

Has no Viper engine = fail.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Quote from Hyperactive :Wonder how fast it goes...

Lets ask Hammond? ohh bad joke I know... plz dont crucify me!

Ask stig to do a run

Man that is an insane bike with an insane owner seling it at that price.

Mind you, you would need to own a runway to actually ride it, dont think it turns very well!
Quote from Hyperactive :Sick sick sick bike

Wonder how fast it goes...

Looking at the dyno plot, it seems that its geared for about 190mph
#14 - JTbo
What about this then? 502hp 567lb-ft 502ci something like 8 liters. Yes, it is not Viper engine, but I think enough close?
Sure i've seen a clip on youtube onboard that monster!!!! Spends all the time trying to keep the front wheel from piointing skyward!!illepall illepall

I might last less than 3sec before death on that thing!!!

H (Jack Bauer)
hm mr ghostrider might be interested
Quote from ORION :hm mr ghostrider might be interested

Yeah. Ghostrider only had 499hp on his bike IIRC.
Ghostrider's bikes do corners too, though
Supercars with 600 hp already have trouble putting power to the ground.. I don't want to know how hard it is to control the throttle on something far lighter and with just 1 powered wheel
It's so powerful it needs downforce!
didn't they squeeze about 800 bhp from a busa engine?
Quote from george_tsiros :didn't they squeeze about 800 bhp from a busa engine?

Supercharged drag racing bikes produce upwards of a 1000 bhp which is pretty impressive from a 1300. Whilst I imagine 800 bhp could be got out of a 'busa turbo I dobut it could be reliable for road use.

Now THIS is a motorbike 600bhp
(23 posts, started )