The online racing simulator
InSim gateway
(13 posts, started )
InSim gateway
jInSimGateway is a standalone InSim gateway, written in Java. It's a command line utility that allows more InSim applications to communicate to LFS at the same time (with some limitations).
Type java -jar jInSimGateway.jar -? to see options.
Basic things like skipping ISI, ISC and auto answering on ACK are implemented, more advanced things may be added later, if needed.
Source needs some heavy cleaning up, since it's my first app in Java, but if anyone is interested, I can post source too...


Just unzip the archive anywhere


Java environment

Quick start:
  1. Setup your LFS host to use insim port 29999 and start it.
  2. Start gateway: java -jar jInSimGateway.jar (or just start it with double mouse click on the jar file - in this case you won't see any console output! It will be only seen in task manager as javaw.exe).
  3. Setup insim application to use port 29997 (default gateway port) as insim port and start it.
  4. If more insim applications, goto step 3.
#2 - CSU1
So what teh hell does tat do?
I'm curious too. I can see the outgagegateway because I've always had a problem with trying to run 2 outgage apps together, but everything I've seen using insim was configurable within the insim app. Thus, I just configure them all to the same port which I wasn't able to do with outgage apps.
Hello Monk.
I'm really interested by this mod but jar file will not open on my PC.
What soft i do load to can read and use this ?
Isent it a java appli ? java cant read your file.
Plz give link to can read jar file....after some google search...i'm a bit lost.
Any .exe version enable soon ?
Java is to hard to me
I need one more easy system...i understand nothing how this working.
After jar started on 29999, all launched insim applis do have same port 29997 to works ?
I had some (old) mods using specific insim ports and i cant change it.
How can i make to use lapper and one appli needs 21029 insim port and another needs 65000 ?
All coder langages are "chinese talk" to me but specialy java is my deepest nitemare, i had often problems with.
Maybe readme.txt is uncomplete and need be better more explained.
Quote from gwendoline :
After jar started on 29999, all launched insim applis do have same port 29997 to works ?

Yes, 29997 is default gateway port, but you can change it:

java -jar jInSimGateway.jar -gw=65000

Quote from gwendoline :
I had some (old) mods using specific insim ports and i cant change it.
How can i make to use lapper and one appli needs 21029 insim port and another needs 65000 ?

Um, can't you configure both insim apps to use same port? Maybe cascading of gateway is possible (I haven't tried tho):

LFS (/insim=29999) <-> jInSimGateway (-gw=21029) <-> insimapp1 (uses insim port 21029)
<-> jInSimGateway (-gw=65000 -insim=21029) <-> insimapp2 (uses insim 65000)

Yeah, I know. I should write a readme... but documentation is coder's worst nightmare...
My friend have made this old mods is leave to LFS since long time ago and unjoinable now.
When he give me this 2 softs, He dont will give me sources to his 2 softs...i respect this but insim port unchangeables.
Ok thx to quick answer Monk.
I test your suggest tomorrow morning and i give you my report after

Just last java only one way able to purpose us an insim "multi-ports/router" ?
I really hate it
I cant use it.
Nothing works, my dream to can open many insim applis fell down.
Sorry Monk...Java is not for me, i pull down the sponge...i'm very sad to be not enought minded to use java...and i havent free time to learn it.
I have always problems with all java "applications" on my PC.
If someone can purpose me "multi-ports insim" platform on other language, i'm very interested.
Thank you Monk.. i had always think RM can open only one more insim appli.
I'm an old RM'user and i'm better quiet with python than java.
I'll try to open lot of insim applis with my RM ...thx again mate and good luck to your project !

[Edit] I'm the most happy hoster in the world all works fine RM+lapper+TPB*+EIT**+spectators :elefant: :bannana_g :laola:

*TPB = Time Possible Best (soft estimate your possible PB and give some stats each end of races)
**EIT= Endu Inter Team (soft can count laps and can manage many pilots/relays on very long races)
is ist possible to use this gateway with more that one servers?
i thought about starting this gateway more than once and set every instance to another GW-port.

is this possible?
I don't see why not. Just need to use different ports.
Hello Monk,
I have tried to use your jinsimgateway to run multiple insim apps on a client (not server), I have the same issue as previously stated that some of the apps I want to use can not have their insim port set manually, you mentioned that you can set a different port by entering the following code java -jar jInSimGateway.jar -gw=65000
But I have no experience with java and have no idea where or how I should enter this command line, I tried it in the cmd prompt of windows but it didn't work.
Please Help as I really want to get more than 1 insim program running at once.
Can multiple insims work together when running LFS as a client only?

I have also tried RM but can not get it to work either, python is not user friendly imo, compared to this one, so i have dropped RM for now.

InSim gateway
(13 posts, started )