The online racing simulator
Different text for number plates and rear windows
When racing the more race-like cars (e.g. GTRs), there's always the normal number plate text on the rear windows, too. Now for people like me, who set real-life like number plates, this looks kinda silly. So what about having two different strings for each the number plates and the rear windows? Or even no number plates at all on the real race cars? What do you think about this?
Removing the plates on the race cars has definitely been discussed before, and I think it got more positive than negative votes.

But of course that wouldn't solve your problems with having your RL plate number on the side windows

Maybe an extra option to have seperate plates and tags would be good. And since it's just text it'd be nothing more to download when joining a server.
Grml... I thought about adding a note that I checked the imp. suggestions log, but then didn't.

But that's my main suggestion, having different text for windows and plates. Just to prevent flamings.

The number plates on road cars are used for short text (max length 8): country/team name, PB laptime, a RL license plate, or a funny(?) text.

The side text on race cars normally holds the driver's (real) name, and you need more than 8 characters for that.