The online racing simulator
A Question of Physics...
(31 posts, started )
Woooohaaa .....

Pure technical bullshit ! NO it cant drift you (the drift for sport,but technicaly nothing proves it cant) *very bad words in this spot*
what. the.
My Integra's backend will come out if you lift the throttle and turn in quick (or if it is wet out and you are too fast for a corner ). The same applies if you brake and do this. But that is the same for every car usually, as the inertia is thrown forward and you are making it slide. But I wouldn't call this a drift exactly. And with a FWD car, you cannot continue the slide and stay at a desired speed by using the throttle whilst sideways. Because if you are back on the throttle once it slides, the car will want to straighten out far too quickly if you are countersteering. It is really all just 'backwards', but not as fun as a RWD sliding . If you aren't countersteering and back on the throttle, the car will stay too deep in the slide and you'll probably end up sliding completely sideways and out of control.

FWD's aren't drift cars, and if anyone forces one to slide stupidly for a brief moment by either lifting or pulling the handbrake, that'd be the dumbest "drift" ever seen . A proper slide/drift will never be seen in a FWD car, because it won't last long, and it isn't exactly a controlled slide. Because the ending of the slide/drift looks the dumbest since it is usually finishing off with a really slow speed and spoiled by using the throttle to save the car from spinning out of control.

LFS does it quite well in the XF GTi for example. But the speeds you try and drift the GTi in LFS are much higher than I'd ever try in a real car. (Also because the amount of space needed and threat of damaging tires, car, or myself would be too high). Leave the crazy stuff to the video games

I've had my fair share of slides in my FWD car, and they weren't intentional (wet roads and too aggressive of driving on big corners). And correcting the slides is strange, but still... in no way are they comparable to a drift from a RWD car.
#29 - shim
Quote from Hyperactive :You can drift in FWD if you keep the handbrake on

dont forget the McDonnalds trays under the rear tires.. :P
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A Question of Physics...
(31 posts, started )