The online racing simulator
Help - Screwed up windows AGAIN
(30 posts, started )
I am having more problems with windows. I was making a track for RACER, and I had zmodeler open while I ran racer. When I exited RACER, my computer bluescreened. It was my display driver that crashed. At the bottom of the screen, it said that it was dumping the memory on disk. So, I left my computer there for about 15mins. When I came back, I restarted. It wouldn't boot! GRUB gave some error which I didnt write down.

EDIT: This is what grub said
Quote from GRUB :
Booting "Other"

rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format

Press any key to continue...

Quote from DeKo :the problem of cutting the power out straight away is the needle basically hovering so close to the HD, when you shut down normally or even when you hit the reset button, it flys back and docks so it doesnt cause any damage, but when you just cut power its going to drop onto your HD and scratch it all over the place.

I doubt that somehow, it takes ~ 1-5 secs for it to dock and a HD doesn't spin down in that time, HDs generally take about 5-20 seconds to stop spinning.

Im sure the designers have worked out that it may loose power suddenly, so they arn't gonna make it so the head drops on the disk and ****s it up are they.

So no, it won't scratch it if power is pulled. AFAIK the system doesn't send a signal to the HDs telling em they are to shut down, they do it themselves with no power IIRC.

Thats why SATA HDs are hot-swappable...
I think I have to reinstall windows. I am going to try to backup my logitech profiler profiles, and Ati tray tool profiles. And my firefox profile, if I can get to it. Other wise I will use my seamonkey profile backup.
I would never run a heavy program while running zmodeler, it's instable enough on its own. At the moment I'm modeling (trying to ) a car in it, and it crashes from time to time.

Do you play racer often? I kinda got out of it, but now I'm modeling a car, it's kinda the only thing I could ever use it for or GTA. What track are you modeling?
#30 - arco
Quote from wheel4hummer :EDIT: This is what grub said ... html_chapter/grub_13.html
13 : Invalid or unsupported executable format This error is returned if the kernel image being loaded is not recognized as Multiboot or one of the supported native formats (Linux zImage or bzImage, FreeBSD, or NetBSD).

Try to boot from your Windows cd, select E for recovery console, run chkdsk /p on your XP system partition, then run fixboot. ... ons_fixboot.mspx?mfr=true

Also check these files are present in your root system partition:


Help - Screwed up windows AGAIN
(30 posts, started )