The online racing simulator
AI Following a replay??
(6 posts, started )
AI Following a replay??
Just a simple question..

Is it possible somehow to make AI follow someone's replay's trajectory to make them faster??

I hope that you get, what i mean...
no, not possible.
The best way to do train the AI is put a bunch of them in a race on their own with a decent setup and full fuel tanks - set the grid to be random at every race restart and get LFS Lapper to restart the race after a timed interval with "ScheduledAction". That way the race will restart every now and again and you don't have to worry about the AI running out of fuel.

The random grid is good so the frontrunning AIs don't get the advantage all the time and improve their times more than the rest. Also - somehow, I get the impression that if AIs have to overtake, etc alot they seem to get better at it. Atleast that's the results I got but putting a fast AI in the back of a grid with slow AIs. First few times it would attempt overtaking it was a disaster (it just plowed into other cars as if they weren't there), but slowly slowly it seemed to get the hang of it.
Why don't the AI's just come "trained beforehand"?
Beats me... the files aren't that big either (the largest .knw file I have is about 22kb). Perhaps we should start an AI file database?
I think with the ammout of work filur has done with the AI as the guinea pig he's AI should be gody by now. Would be cool to have a AI only race. They do, do some really stupid stuff some times.

AI Following a replay??
(6 posts, started )