The online racing simulator
#1 - N!sse
MOMO Racing pedals problem
Just got this wheel today, and trying to set it up BUT my pedals wont work..

They cant "work" together..

It all starts when i started LFS for the first time when the wheel is pluged in. It gave full brake and gas. Dunno if its my fault, but pushed a button and then the gas didnt have a axis, so i sayed that it should use the 3' axis like the braking pedal, but now i cant brake and it always give 50 % gas and i give 0-50 whit the "normal" gas pedal (when i push it down it gives 0% and when i release it, it goes to 50%) and whit the braking pedal it gives from 50% to 100 %

So what the hell just went wrong ?

Plz help me, wanna race as fast as posible..
#3 - N!sse
Thx for the fast reply, but i where just so stupid that i forgot to uncheck a thing.. So now it works..

Sorry for this
youre welcome