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Der Abt
S2 licensed
It's undescribable!
Big grin Big grin Big grin
Der Abt
S2 licensed
Waiting for the parcel service within the next hour... Na-na
Der Abt
S2 licensed
Thanks @ all!
I made it, and everything is ok.
The only thing was, that I would have started LFS as administrator, the downloaded files could not be extracted. But starting LFS as admin again worked and it didn't need to download the update files again.

Hey, there are some servers running. Mostly as cruising servers. I don't understand what people are doing there for hours.
I wanna race!
See You sometime on the racetrack!
Oculus Rift CV1
Der Abt
S2 licensed
I am looking forward to geht my Oculus Rift CV1 within the next 3 days Big grin
As I am reading in the AC-forum with what to deal to get the rift to run properly I did not find an intense thread like this here for LFS.
Is everything smooth and easy, or some things to care of?

Der Abt
Update from 0.6E to 0.6R
Der Abt
S2 licensed
Hi mates,

did not race LFS for a long time. Now I want to update to 0.6R.
Is there anything to keep an eye on? Will my settings stay untouched, or is the update that massive, that too many things have changed?

Der Abt
Der Abt
S2 licensed
It's out! It's out! It's out!
Der Abt
S2 licensed
Last edited by Der Abt, .
Der Abt
S2 licensed
Quote from Mysho :So looking forward to multiplayer, then I might finally uninstall LFS from my HDD.

No install - no uninstall.
Just delete the directory (but I wouldn't)
Der Abt
S2 licensed
I checked out the TechPreview of AC and I like it very much - even I cannot faster than a 1:29 at the first 20 laps I tried it...

It will be without any doubt one of the most important racing-sims of these days.

But what made lfs for me by far the best online-racer, are some points, I will really miss, because I doubt, that AC will work this way (maybe it will be close to netcar Pro, but I don't know this):

- User Skins for cars in online-races. I like this very much. A lot of nice artwork is seen in lfs and every driver has it's own appearance/personality.

- The massive online-stats including their api to use data in Your own website.

- The way/menus to connect to a online-game. It's simple and fast. No other racing sim let's You join a race that quick (even into a ongoing race). After a race is finnished, the next race is coming quickly. No boring hanging around in boring menus/online-"launches". No slow loading menus (thinking of the super-boring loading times in codemaster-games...)

- And in the end the whole buy/download/install procedure. It's cheap, a small download and Lfs even needs no installation. Just unpacking.

All of these features I love. Hoping AC will have some of this efficient simplicity. AC's menus so far are simple. Good in this point. Hope joining a race is quick enough - as the for me the most concerning fear.

So, in the worst case, waiting for S3 is still an option.
Der Abt
S2 licensed
omg...that's it!

Thanks, my friend!
Problem configuring LFS with clutch of G25
Der Abt
S2 licensed
Hi there,
I don't get the clutch-pedal of my new G25 to work.
In the ff/wheel-settings I can see the yellow row indicating correctly when I press the pedal as axis 4 (I think).

But I cannot choose this axis for the clutch.
Wehn I click on the field for the clutch LFS waits for me to press a pedal or knob, I press the pedal but it is not recognized.

Any hint?
Der Abt
S2 licensed
Forget about it.

Since these are fixed values that never will change until their deletion I can obtain them from and put them fixed on our site.

Thanks for thinking about it anyway .
Der Abt
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :I suppose it's possible with some additions to pubstat, but pre-Y pb's are depricated really and will disappear slowly as they get overwritten by new pb's, so that's why it's not available here.

It would be nice to have.
Our TeamSite contains now empty times on many tracks.
And as far a new PB is driven I would like to have the old records and show them i.e. in a different colour.
The old data is still stored?

What about &racer=&action=oldstats that returns:

returns: <track> <car> <oldlaptime> <timestamp>
Der Abt
S2 licensed
Oh, great! I will do it in a minute...

Last edited by Der Abt, .
Payment by Credit-card only...
Der Abt
S2 licensed
I would like to pay some money for the non-tarpitted stats.
But I don't have a credit-card.

Why don't You accept PayPal, what I used already to purchase the game???
Wouldn't be PayPal the easiest for those very small money-transactions?

Der Abt
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :I'll look into that soon. It seems to be a useful feature to request multiple racerstats in one go.

That's what I call a junkie of a programmer - like me!
Der Abt
S2 licensed
Hi angry angel!
Caching would not ueseful, I expect, that our team-members only once a week would call my site - almost no traffic.

It just would be a nice-to-have for the pst-action a multiuser-call like:


let's say limited to 20 racers.
The server-resonse shouldn't be much, because it's about ~70 bytes per racer. But would save much time for people, who wants to have data for a nuber of racers, like me.

pb-action - ok this can cause more traffic. I would be satisfied with the pst-multiuserupgrade
Der Abt
S2 licensed
Is there a workaraound for the timeout?

I have a little teampage and want to have pb and pst infos for 5 players.
That means 10 requests to the server.
I found out, that my script has to do a 5 seconds brake in between the requests, not to get the error "can't reload this page that quickly after another".
(Or do I something wrong with the file_get_contents - function? I wonder, why nobody is complainig the same...)

So my php-Script loads 50 secs! That's much time...

Can't we get multible infos at one request (e.g. action=pst)?

Greetz from cold Germany!
Who knows a wheel with analog levers?
Der Abt
S2 licensed
Hi folks!

I have a friend, that is handicapped - he is paralysed below the waist, so he can't move his legs no more.

He wants to drive LFS with a wheel, it is just the best control-device.

Is there a wheel with analog levers to control gas/brake with?

It would be possible to use the digital shifter-knobs for gas/brake, but not the best...

Thanks in advance!