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(GRT) KayBe
S2 licensed
Quote from Biohazard :no, actually we are all little cats, dressed in pink jumpsuits, doing car races.

goddamn, i need some sleep...

Hey....shhh, dont let all know........

Btw, nice done guys.....
(GRT) KayBe
S2 licensed
Grattz to XFR and to u all new members, Pwrslave i know from the time in team 400..well done m8.....
(GRT) KayBe
S2 licensed
Thx m8s, it feels nice to be in a team again.....and what a team.!!!!!!!!!! Cya on track.
(GRT) KayBe
S2 licensed
Sooooo, now is the fun ending..... I gonna throw the computer out true the window, there is no meaning to continue......LOL

No, so drastic isn't, but really sad about the server,, have had some really nice racing there.....

Hope to see you on track m8.....!!!