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S3 licensed
Pozdrav, ja sam na A1 isto. Na T-comu dok sam bio je bilo sve u redu. Sad otkad sam se prebacio ne mogu više ući uopće. Ali pokušao sam na svom Telemach mobilnom i na A1 mobilnom i isto je. Ako slučajno nađeš riješenje javi se.
Can not connect to any server, UDP error
S3 licensed

I have a problem with connecting to any multiplayer server. It connects everything good and then stops at waiting player info. After that message pops saying that there is problem with UDP packages sending. I have tried to use mobile internet hosted from my phones (different mobile hosts), it did work for a while and now it stopped working on that internet. Does anyone have similar problem? I tried everything that is online regarding UDP packets, but no luck.
UDP error
S3 licensed
Hello, I changed my router few days ago and before that my LFS multiplayer worked flawlessly. Now I can not connect to any server because my UDP packets are not received by host. I have tried to connect to my mobile internet and everything works fine. I have tried everything that I have found on this forum, but I did not get anywhere. Did someone had same issue and solved it? Thank you in advance.