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HELP, non-linear steering input G25
S2 licensed

I have a logitech G25 and I'm new here on LFS !

I've read all the advices and troubles that a lot of peoples came through for setting up their wheel, but my problem is still there...

In the logitech profiler, I got 720 degrees rotation . In game, 720 wheel turn.... compensation is about .01 I guess...

here's the case : When I turn my wheel 90 degrees, the in game steering turns like 120 degree... But when i'm full lock at 720 degree on my wheel, the in game steering is perfectly in sync.. Like the steering input was speeding up between 10 and 360 and then slowing until 720.
If I turn my wheel from 600 to 720, in game it only turns like 30 degrees, as the steering is not in sync with mine at 600..

Sooo weird... Help 6!