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I played once S2 with a license of a friend of mine, and I've been in a server where cops could arrest the other people that was doing mess, like overrating the speed limit or something like that. It also had the function of recording the kilometers that I had made while I was playing in that server.

I've already downloaded this mod and this have only 5 ou 6 functions that the other did. Does someone have another mod or should I learn C# to edit this one ?

Sorry for the bad english

PS: I know I'm demo racer, but I used to play S2 cracked and I'm already earning money to buy S2 oficial because I love it!
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Quote from Tommy :I didnt have time to write any proper manual for my program but as far as I have read about problems with it, here are some hints:

- Program needs .Net Framework 2.0 ( ... 62-4B0D-8EDD-AAB15C5E04F5) it wont run without it.

- There is no need to "install" it, just run it from any location you like.

Its just a key pressing emulator keys will be pressed in given order for given time (in ms), additionally every pressed key is followed by "backspace" so you can write messages.

Numlock state defines whether program is running or not.

as far as Lfs is sending horn/lights/hazards state every 500ms (about) its almost useless while playing online.

I will try to help if there are some unsolved problems left

You said it's almost useless while playing online...Can you specify your answer ? Is it because the speed of conection ?
Although, it plays online, doesn't it ?


PS: If something's wrong with my english, I'm sorry
No longer welcome
The idea of some old cars heading to a powerful engine sounds nice ..

I'm portuguese and a real fan of old cars heading to a nice engine..

I love Charger R/T and a french Renault 21 Turbo..
Although this car's won't exist in LFS, something like that would be nice

Keep the good ideas !