The online racing simulator
small question
(9 posts, closed, started )
small question
Hey is it wrong to put movies on here? I have two movies right now, Transformers and Shooter (Shooter is WAY better), and I feel like letting the public download them. They are HUGE though (as in 500-750 mb). Thats my only question. Please respond.
#2 - amp88
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :Hey is it wrong to put movies on here?

There are several things wrong with this:

1. Yes, posting copyrighted material is illegal here.
2. Forum attachment limit is ~2MB.
3. Shooter and transformers are really bad films.
Is he just asking at General Forum does he can post pirated movies at LFS forums?
i only watched transformers cause megan fox was in it
I'm still stuck in 70s and 80s so nae bothered with all the new crap.... lol
Does this forum look like a pirate ship?

FTR, Transformers was shit (Megan Fox is a bit of a hotty though) and I've not seen Shooter.
I'm in!
As stated above: no.
This thread is closed

small question
(9 posts, closed, started )