Hello Racers!
Here is the updated CMX Viewer containing the Formula BMW FB02 :
Download : www.lfs.net/file_lfs.php?name=LFS_VIEWER_S2Y.exe
Installation : Make a new folder (e.g. LFS_VIEWER_S2Y) and save the install file into that folder, then run the install.
- All cars have DEFAULT skins and mapping info files @ 1024x1024 and helmet @ 512x512
- One painted skin each for FBM / BF1 / HEL
For anyone who doesn't know what the CMX Viewer is, it's a small program which can help with skinning. You can load a car model (CMX) and a skin (JPG) into the Viewer then set it to automatically reload the skin each time you save it from your drawing program, so you can inspect it closely from any angle in the Viewer with or without lighting.
You can find skin templates in the data\skins folder. To make your own skin, first make a copy of the XXX_DEFAULT skin, with the correct three-letter prefix (e.g. FBM_MYSKIN.jpg for the formula BMW) then start editing it in a drawing program. Mapping info is provided in the form of JPG files in the map_info folder. When your skin is finished you can save it into your data\skins folder inside LFS and you will be able to load it in-game. Licensed users can upload their skin, at 1024x1024 resolution, to www.lfsworld.net so it will be visible to other people when you race online.
Have fun!
Here is the updated CMX Viewer containing the Formula BMW FB02 :
Download : www.lfs.net/file_lfs.php?name=LFS_VIEWER_S2Y.exe
Installation : Make a new folder (e.g. LFS_VIEWER_S2Y) and save the install file into that folder, then run the install.
- All cars have DEFAULT skins and mapping info files @ 1024x1024 and helmet @ 512x512
- One painted skin each for FBM / BF1 / HEL
For anyone who doesn't know what the CMX Viewer is, it's a small program which can help with skinning. You can load a car model (CMX) and a skin (JPG) into the Viewer then set it to automatically reload the skin each time you save it from your drawing program, so you can inspect it closely from any angle in the Viewer with or without lighting.
You can find skin templates in the data\skins folder. To make your own skin, first make a copy of the XXX_DEFAULT skin, with the correct three-letter prefix (e.g. FBM_MYSKIN.jpg for the formula BMW) then start editing it in a drawing program. Mapping info is provided in the form of JPG files in the map_info folder. When your skin is finished you can save it into your data\skins folder inside LFS and you will be able to load it in-game. Licensed users can upload their skin, at 1024x1024 resolution, to www.lfsworld.net so it will be visible to other people when you race online.
Have fun!