The online racing simulator
Mirrors texture bug
(13 posts, started )
Mirrors texture bug since patch X
My friend has mirrors texture problems with patch X and X10 (see attachment). Patch W without problems. He tried fresh X install too, different FOVs etc, but no success.
NVidia 6600 256MB, latest drivers, WXP
Attached images
Seems a rather low settings setup. Think the LOD on mirrors is even lower then the rest. This card should be able to hanle much more if i am correct.
I dont think that that is a Bug. It's a glitch.

But anyway i use an 6600GT 100% perfect? so your 6600 should do it fine too.

Strange never saw it.
6.8 FPS.....

Anyway, about that mirror bug, im not sure what it is. Had a look in L.O.D settings?
2Takumi_lfs: sorry, my english isn't good, maybe glitch is better word. I'm using 6800GS (GF440 & Ati 9500 in the past) and I have never had these graphics glitches too although I had all available test patches and my friend have had only official ones.

I'll send him your advice about mirror LOD and we'll see, but LFSn00b's post don't give me too much expectations.
Maybe your drivers gone mad!

Because you have 6.8 FPS with a 6800/6600

download Driver cleaner

First of all Remove your nvidia drivers

Then run Driver cleaner. and remove all Nvidia drivers.

Download newest driver.
Nvidia 6 series XP driver

run it and voila.

If it still didnt work.
Last option Format ure PC.

I did that too.
Just to make it clear:
I have 6800GS, no problems at all, 100+fps
Friend has 6600 (nonGT), no glitches with W (or older versions), glitches with X and X10.

He is rarely online, so I must wait and then we'll try your advices.
New info: 6.8 fps is not normal, he has 60-64 fps with patch X (X10) just as with patch W. I don't know why there is 6.8 on screen, now it is 60-64 all the time.

Very interesting is, that mirror glitch disappear when options are displayed over the screen. After leaving options menu, glitch is there again . He realized this when he was trying to change mirror LOD as you suggested, but this (changing mirror LOD) doesn't help.
try to turn the mirrors to virtual and then back to real.

Hope this helps
Turning to virtual (and back to real) doesn't help, virtual mirrors has this glitch too. He'll try new Windows install on Monday.

Everything seems as problem with his system (because almost nobody has this glitch), but I don't know why patch W is without problems, something between W and X must have been changed, but I didn't find info about changes in mirrors except " Improved speed of mirror draw by using a narrow viewport" in X7.. But he has problem with X too..
okay. too bad that it came up to formatting
Solved, but without finding problem reason..

Friend had bought new computer (AMD3800+/Ati1950GT or something like that ), reinstalled Windows and LFS mirror glitch is away.
Quote from LFSn00b :I had some 2048 Fern bay textures, which caused the problem for me. Now i've installed the original files and works amazingly well

This wasn't friend's case. He tried fresh X install too (first post). This means all LFS files were original ones.

Mirrors texture bug
(13 posts, started )