The online racing simulator
Axis problem with G25
(7 posts, started )
Axis problem with G25
Everythiing seems fine in the logitech control centre but in game the accelerator seems to be always half way. Then when i press the brake it decreases the axis and when the accel is pressed the axis increases.

Iv tried rebinding all the axis in game but as i said the brake and accel pedal seem to operate the same axis. so i do not know which axis should be the brake anbd which should be the accel

The G25 works fine on GTR2 and NFS
Open the Logitech Profiler and goto
Options>Global Device Settings and at the section "Steering Wheel Settings" uncheck the "Report Combined Pedals" option.

Or if you have a profile for LFS got to Edit>Specific Game Settings and uncheck the same option there.
it works fine now thank you very much m8. Last question when lm playin LFS and GTR 2 . l can change gears without pressin the clutch. how do l change that so if l dont press the clutch the gear wont change???
Hi, glad you solved your problem

The clutch setting is game dependend I think.

In LFS goto Oprions>Player and change the third option from the end
"Autoclutch:" from Yes to No.
I don't have GTR but there must be something similar there also
Quote from KMSpeed :Hi, glad you solved your problem

The clutch setting is game dependend I think.

In LFS goto Oprions>Player and change the third option from the end
"Autoclutch:" from Yes to No.
I don't have GTR but there must be something similar there also

in gtr its the same, alltho, i cant find it there
but hey, race cars dont need it so much imo
Same here, i can switch gears without using the clutch.. i tried many things, but not sure that there actualy is a way that makes the clutch usefull. Also, when u have your car in a gear, you're not moving and u are not using the clutch... nothing happens try doing that in real life hehe
Using the FOX formula cars, there u do need to use the clutch yes, but using a regular daily car, u don't.. If someone knows a solution, i'll be glad to hear it!
Quote from rednose :Same here, i can switch gears without using the clutch.. i tried many things, but not sure that there actualy is a way that makes the clutch usefull. Also, when u have your car in a gear, you're not moving and u are not using the clutch... nothing happens try doing that in real life hehe
Using the FOX formula cars, there u do need to use the clutch yes, but using a regular daily car, u don't.. If someone knows a solution, i'll be glad to hear it!

LFS doesn't engine model engine stalls (at the moment anyway) so the auto clutch will always cut in to stop you stalling your engine. The only way you can shift in lfs without the clutch is the same way you in real life by rev matching. It is easier in lfs the RL as u can change gear witht he stick n just wait for the revs to match and lfs changes gear thus making it quicker to use the clutch yourself.
If your using the h shifter and when you change gear it changes gear instantly, you need to turn off auto clutch in options.

Axis problem with G25
(7 posts, started )