The online racing simulator
Yeh i dont see the hype with GT4. I thought the physics where quite poor to be honest. You hit another car and you get that arcade PS1 style bounce off lol.
Quote from tristancliffe :Oh great, now I have to rinse the tea out of my shirt and trousers, having just spat it over myself!

Tea, you must be lucky because it just cost me a bottle of red wine and a nice shirt...

#53 - JTbo
Quote from squad_e :I just got Rfactor.

Does anyone know any good site's to download mods?..

I saw cool looking HRC mod. I'm about to download . There is not much need for else. But remember that most of mods have quite funny physics, it might be changing in future but there are of course some who resist change and prefer original physics so takes time.
#54 - joen
Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :To me, LFS and Gran Turismo 4 seem to have the best, and most realistic physics.

I honestly cant see how playing a game, where you can make a 90 degree turn going 100mph, and bouncing off walls when crashing can be fun.

GT4 has physics ?
Quote from JTbo : There is not much need for else. But remember that most of mods have quite funny physics, it might be changing in future but there are of course some who resist change and prefer original physics so takes time.

Oh cool Just registered to the site. More spam i guess lol. JK.

Looks like a cool site.

Rfactor physics are kinda cool.

But how can you change the steering to mouse?..

Oh here is a better forum for Rigs OF rods, many new trucks here:

must be registered to view.
#56 - JTbo
Quote from squad_e :
But how can you change the steering to mouse?..

I don't think that is possible, it is wheel only.
Well, you can use KB too, but it really is not very good, it is like clicking button labeled 'drive for me' or button labeled 'spin me please'.
I'll download HRC mod another time, its 256MB illepall .

On the other hand I downloaded the buggy mod, ROFL tis kerraazy!..

I would like to see a Tractor mod illepall ...... .....

I love how the engines sound in this game.

I'm lovin' This.

Quote from joen :GT4 has physics ?

Other than the no damage factor, and the fact that you bounce off walls and cars when you crash, the rest of the game is pretty realistic, and you cant say that the graphics arent pretty good. Especialy when you turn off all driving aids, it makes for a pretty realistic game as long as you dont hit anything.
Quote from deggis :It looked good... but it will never see the day light because RBR is just too unfriendly for physics modding to create accurate enough Group B physics (mainly differential, RWD, transmission and downforce). Too bad. The team has stopped working on the mod a long time ago and they had only one car ready (MG Metro 6R4), we'll see will they even release that separately as a single addon car at some point.

Its a shame, The group B cars were monsters
#60 - joen
Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :Other than the no damage factor, and the fact that you bounce off walls and cars when you crash, the rest of the game is pretty realistic, and you cant say that the graphics arent pretty good. Especialy when you turn off all driving aids, it makes for a pretty realistic game as long as you dont hit anything.

Well I could post a long list of what else is unrealistic in GT4 (which I'm not going to now). It certainly is not realistic enough to be called a sim that's for sure.
Sure the graphics are nice but that doesn't have anything to do with physics. I really don't play games because of nice graphics.
Don't get me wrong I think it's a fun game, I sometimes play it at a friend's on his PS2, but calling it a sim really doesn't cut the cake.
Quote from joen :Well I could post a long list of what else is unrealistic in GT4 (which I'm not going to now). It certainly is not realistic enough to be called a sim that's for sure.
Sure the graphics are nice but that doesn't have anything to do with physics. I really don't play games because of nice graphics.
Don't get me wrong I think it's a fun game, I sometimes play it at a friend's on his PS2, but calling it a sim really doesn't cut the cake.

fair enough. there is a couple weak spots as far as reality goes, and you might be right about it not deserving a simulation title, but i still think its pretty decent compared toa lot of other racing games.

Also, have you ever tryed playing it with the force feedback wheel? If not, put that on a list of things to do, because that changes EVERYTHING about the game.
Quote from FOGlegsy :Its a shame, The group B cars were monsters

If you want to try one GrB car, Lancia Delta S4 beta was released a beta long time ago... it's unfinished but still amazingly funny to drive. You can completely forget flat out throttle... but because it's unfinished there's no internal textures for incar view which pretty much makes it unplayable if you're not used to play from a bumper cam.
(read the readme!)

Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :because that changes EVERYTHING about the game.

Everything except the physics?
Quote from deggis :If you want to try one GrB car, Lancia Delta S4 beta was released a beta long time ago... it's unfinished but still amazingly funny to drive. You can completely forget flat out throttle... but because it's unfinished there's no internal textures for incar view which pretty much makes it unplayable if you're not used to play from a bumper cam.
(read the readme!)

Everything except the physics?

It makes it a helluva lot more fun, because with stiff suspension, you can feel all the road bumps through the wheel. The wheel doesnt vibrate or anything, but it turns by it self and you have to keep it straight. hard to explain....

Also, the force feedback mades it pretty cool, too. But if you really wanna have fun with the wheel, go to Circuit De le Sarthe, without the chicanes. Theres a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE straight, and the road is imperfect, meaning its not completley flat. Get the mercedes racecar that goes over 220 mph. The steering wheel starts shaking back and forth like crazy. Its really hard to keep it still, and if you let go of it for more than two seconds, your car is gone.

Anyways, what kind of systems are the games you guys posting for? I really dont recognize that many of them ofther than GT4, Enthusia, Forza, and LFS
I so love the HRC mod for Rfactor...

The sounds are most amazing.. illepall

The Pikes Peak track is kinda hard. So i use the standard tracks in it.
Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :
Also, have you ever tryed playing it with the force feedback wheel? If not, put that on a list of things to do, because that changes EVERYTHING about the game.

I think Enthusia is far better. LFS and RBR are the only true sims in my opinion...

But i agree. GT4 is not as bad with a DFP. It's more than just arcade, but not enough for a sim i'd say. Still, if you haven't played it with a DFP, you can't really judge GT4.

Anyway, best physics... LFS, no doubt!
#66 - JTbo
Quote from squad_e :I so love the HRC mod for Rfactor...

The sounds are most amazing.. illepall

The Pikes Peak track is kinda hard. So i use the standard tracks in it.

Quattro in that mod does not sound anything like Quattro.

Real quattro

Quattro of HRC with bit modified ETCC Volvo sounds. And no, I won't publish them.
GT4 is definately a lot more fun with a DFP, because its easy enough that anyone with some driving experience can master the game and vehicles handling relatively quickly. Makes for the best multiplayer racing on console at the min IMO.
I always thought drifting felt good with 'Super Skidmarks' on the Amiga
Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :Anyways, what kind of systems are the games you guys posting for? I really dont recognize that many of them ofther than GT4, Enthusia, Forza, and LFS

NetKar Pro and RBR are both on PC, i'd recommend checking them both out
It would appear the next version of Rigs of Rods will simulate boats!!!
Sounds mad!! There is a video on their web page
#71 - JTbo
Quote from mrfell :It would appear the next version of Rigs of Rods will simulate boats!!!
Sounds mad!! There is a video on their web page

Yes it seems so, I wonder how it will compare to Virtual Sailor, also if there is any machine that will run well with all those extra physics calculations. My A64 3200+ is way too weak already for RoR, just can't play as it is so sluggish.
Screamer 4x4 was a good (if basic) off road sim, shame it was badly programmed. I really enjoyed F355 Challenge on the Dreamcast, going back in time Car & Driver had great physics and I remember Test Drive 2 had proper gear shifting. Hard Drivin' in the arcade was great (with the key to start it), and Grand Prix 1 was ahead of the competition (though not my thing).

Indianapolis 500 was the second best game to have one track (after Hard Drivin'), Nascar 2003 was good too ... hmmm, could go on ...
Lotus Esprite turbo challenge II
I don't think that counts as a sim ... Esprit Turbo Challenge 1 had refuelling etc though ...
Test Drive Unlimited

which car racing game has the best physics
(132 posts, started )