The online racing simulator

Poll : Multiplayer better with Patch V or worse?

Same as before
Yes, definately better after Patch V
Worse than before, i am having stutters and lag
#51 - JTbo
Quote from Slopi :Not upset at you. What I get upset at is the droves of people that this doesn't apply to, trying to throw out suggestions that no one knows will work or not, while apparently ignoring the fact that the only change made was patch V.

And yes, my bad, this pole was to ask about the overall experience, not just about those who had lag. Though, that was the entire intention of Boris. I say that only because I was on the server with him when he suggested making this pole.

Right now I'm waiting on YouTube to churn out my tiny video (sure I'll be waiting an hour on this...) so I can link it here and show exactly what the problem looks like.

So, I ask you to please forgive my frustrations while Boris and I and the rest of the people that are affected by this try and sort it out.

No problem at all, as we are humans we can communicate and solve things, sometimes harder sometimes easier

I think I have not seen thread about this at technical assistance board, I think it would be good to create one in there so all that have problem could post them specs etc, if there would be then some common thing that might be reason why this happens to some and not to others, that way I think it would at least start to open up how to fix this issue too.
Based on your suggestion, I went ahead and made a post in the Tech. Assist. board, with links to the video, quote describing the problem and a link to this thread as well.
That's exactly how mine used to stutter before I killed that process for good. You look like you have a decent FPS as well. I would get 100fps, then that stutter occurs for a couple of seconds and then it's smooth again. My fraps FPS readout would not lower during the stutter however; it stays around 100.

I'd put money on it being something to do with the new sound system... perhaps we should post our specs on the tech assist or test patch forum?
I don't feel computer stats are to blame for this, though it wouldn't be a bad idea to run a DirecX Diag and post that txt to the Patch V Stutter Thread in Tech Assist. The reason I don't feel the computer stats are to blame, is so far everyone with this issue seems to have no issues before patching to V, and were racing smooth and fine on the same systems V is now installed on.

I've personally played with audio acceleration down to minor tweaks in my Vid drivers. Have switched from 5.1 audio to 2 channel stereo. Nothing seems to make a difference.

The only noticeable difference I've seen is when I close mIRC, my Firewall and completely closed out my AV instead of just dissabling it. At that point I was able to race several more races without the stutter. Sadly, the stutter resumed the very next day with those exact applications and services closed.
computer stats have everything to do with it - because not everyone is having these problems.

it's an age old prediciment with PCs "but it was working fine before". The thing is, with so many aspects on PCs that are changing (spyware makes this even worse), we can never point the finger at one thing. The fact that my issue went away after I killed that process really rings alarm bells... the more info we give scawen the better I'd say.

I'll do a dxdiag when I get home...
Went ahead and posted my stats as well. If Boris could do the same, along with anyone else with this issue, that would help.

If you are having Stutter issues, please post your computer's hardware config and stats in this thread:

Dx-Diag Instructions
If you wish to post a DirectX Diag as well, go to your Start Menu, then Run. Type in "dxdiag" and hit enter. In the following window that opens, click the button to "Save All Information...". Save the resulting .txt file somewhere, then upload that txt file as a post attatchment.

I only did one thing with my LFS since Patch V.
I copied my LFS folder (the one with U and test patches) to another partition of my new hard disk, because, it was on C:, so i wanted it to be on the new hard disk, which is not fragmented, etc..
That is the only thing i changed, and i don't see how that could be the issue here..
Ok I just had the problems everyone has been describing. Normally I can run around 60fps easily on a full grid, and over 100fps during a race.

Today however while I was driving it suddenly dropped to about 2fps for a short period, which made me crash. Its happened 3 times now and tbh its ruined mp racing for me atm. Now I drive expecting there to be an fps drop and lag at anytime.
I had exactly the same problem a couple of days ago. Racing along at 100fps then all of a sudden 2fps for about 3 seconds. Rebooted machine, closed processes, happened again. This kept happening. Uninstalled some programs( can't remember which ones), problem went away. As everyone else says, no problems at all before patch V. Dunno if this helps
Quote from Shotglass :first thing you should do with any new windows installation ... disable the useless qos service

how I do this?

edit: done it (differs on XPP & XPH)
I'm done. Puttin the wheel in the closet and waiting for the next patch. I'm beyond pi**ed now.

Sorry if I wrecked you tonight, it was due to the awesome stutter BS.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :bitehard:
already gone through the frustration of trying to fix this and got annoyed at it havent raced much since. ill do the same for that thread.


sorry if i just blinded you at 6:40am
worse than b4... specs in sig
#64 - Davo
It's the 8800GTX, think you'll have to send iot my way for some testing
I disabled those services, QsP, File indexing, and some others..
I noticed that i always played with Browse for Speed in the background, so in the past two days i played with BFS turned off, and i didn't had any huge stutters..
There was one, but luckily there was no one around me, and it didn't lasted long, like 3rd of a second..
Don't know, maybe BFS had something to do with that, because i see that is very demanding program, and it is very slow, it takes a while to start, etc, so i suspected it was because of it..
We'll see in the next few days will the stutters return..
must admit, it stutterd for me last night while aproaching a corner, and ended up with me crashing out, very frustrating, might go back to U30 if i can?
You can't go back...unfortunetely. They are now incompatible.

I noticed this lag and stutter thing coming on to, mine is more random, had it earlier before a braking zone, no skins no joining, just a stutter and I got another few after that.

It's a step back IMO and patch U was a step back in MP to, wonder when it will change...
Quote from Bawbag :You can't go back...unfortunetely. They are now incompatible.

Are you sure?
I thought that there was a update in the online play which made the old one incompatible?

Patch U and V (and T?) are compatible.
Patches U and V are compatible online. Thus all the U test patches should be compatible also.

Edit: Yes, U was compatible with T also. So V should be compatible with T.
That doesn't mean that the U test patches are still allowed by the master server... (as Sticky-Micky asked for U30)
bah, most of you are sissies, some of you complain about 20 fps. I'm getting same as ever, 10-14 fps max. If there's a crash and someone hits multiple objects that's when most problems occure, i bet for all of us. That new setup on the FE club circuit that Becky made isn't a real help for fps, i drop to about .8 fps if someone crashes there. That's when i'll completely skip the chicane and ram the fench at the top of that hill so others don't get taken out by me.

At certain times like that i experience extreme lag and shutter, but other than that my online play has gotten better, or maybe i got use to it and know how to drive with it.
Quote from Rappa Z :bah, most of you are sissies, some of you complain about 20 fps. I'm getting same as ever, 10-14 fps max.

I can just about beat that, getting a maximum of 18, sometimes 20fps. Still, I know what ypu mean about that chicane....

Anyway, I get stutters in single player mode. Nothing drastic, just the odd glitch, but its not something I noticed before applying the patch. Online, I haven't noticed much difference, until the other night, when the screen just froze for about three seconds. When it unfroze I was sitting in the gravel trap, staring at the catch fencing, nose against the wall at the other end of the FE3 straight.

I don't know whether this was lag, but I have seen a lot more cars warping than I remember seeing beforehand.
I also had stutters and big crackling out of my headphones. Then i tried what happens with a fresh windows session and WOHOO, everything was fine. Worked the whole day with the computer, maybe ther was some process running which wasn't the best for performance - but like someone already said, the FPS wer around 50-100...

So if you have stutters or crackling, try to restart windows before running LFS.
