The online racing simulator
Reporting abusive players
(10 posts, started )
Reporting abusive players
Hi everyone!

I was quite happy playing on a server last night when these two peeps came on and started abusing everyone. Anyway, before I knew it I was banned (by vote) for no reason.

Can someone tell me where I can report these two players.

#2 - joen
Thanks for that guys.

Really annoys me when peeps come onto servers and think they can abuse and get people kicked for no reason.

Oh well, just move on to another server!
Don't start a vote on them right away. Wait until more people see who is really causing trouble.
Quote from herbsie :
Oh well, just move on to another server!

You got the nail on the head there.

Just try and find a server that is reasonably policed by an admin. We try to do this at the [dSRC] servers but it can't be done 24/7.
It was the SRC StuntRacingServer 2 I was on, was having a great time on there until they ruined it!

Hopefully I can get back on there today but if not I will just move on to another server
Player Report
Hello everyone I have a question ... How can I report someone for spaming , raming , hacking and such ? Because right now I'm in one demo server called [ MRc Drift 3 ] and I have found one player who is spamming for 1 hour now and he is not stoping ... rly annoying and players are enough mad it seems that the server don't have admins and the hoster don't give a F sooo ... If anyone can give me info about my request will be good for all The player account name is - Swat98 If someone can help he is for nothing more than perm IP ban or something that can keep him away from this game ... Thank you !
#9 - kdo
Quote from kdo :Nothing can be done if there is no admins

If you have saved a replay of him hacking, you could send an email to:

This. But this solution won't last forever, as he can make another demo account (if he has multiple email addresses) and wreak havoc again. A better solution would be an IP ban, but he might also have a dynamic IP. The best solution is to ban his IP range, so he won't be able to login to the servers via his computer.

Reporting abusive players
(10 posts, started )