The online racing simulator
Time Bandits is hilarious.
Thieves' Highway



This popped into mind after Time Bandits was mentioned. Another classic, probably not for everyone though.
Quote from CrAZySkyPimp :The hangover, made me rofl

I tend to find "outrageous" road-trip movies really awkward to watch sometimes, but not so with this one. Fairly hilarious, and the Flo Rida song during the credits is tight

The Hangover
Laughed my ass off while watching Bruno.. Sick movie in all ways!

Worth of watching ahah got a damn good laugh.
Vals Im Bashir

A very good animation/docu about the the 1982 invasion of Lebanon.
I enjoyed every moment of the film and the ending grabbed me by the troath! Very, very recommended.

Attached images
Watched 2 movies yesterday...

Bruno and The Hangover, and I honestly couldnt make out whats so good anf funny about them. Bruno is basically the same as Borat, which got kind of boring half way through, and The Hangover was just "What...?"
I really did fail to spot the hilarious bits...... Or maybe I didnt, maybe there werent any and the damn movie is so overrated....

Bruno - Ok
Hangover - Uhm... Shit
I didn't see what's so special about the hangover either.

Brüno on the other hand... I don't know what you've expected... A good storyline? The things he does in the movie are what it's about. I don't know how you cannot see the comedy in going to a terrorist leader and telling him King Osama would look like santa clause... just one example of many. It's pure genius.
I never said Bruno needed a storyline. Just that its basically Borat dressed up as a gay guy. I mean the jokes are all very similar to Borat.
I did find it funny, just that it got boring half way through, because I felt like I am watching Borat again, just from a different perspective. Oh well, thats just me.
Quote from amp88 :In the Loop - I laughed so much I almost fell down a set of stairs.

Heard great things about this. Gonna check it out ASAP.
Cast Away - The only film I know where you can get emotionally attached to a volleyball.
"Thank You For Smoking" Great film, loved it
25th Hour - Edward Norton \o/
The Reader - the ending made me feel empty and wanting something else had happened :| still a recommendation
Dogma (1999)

Kevin Smith's take on the Dogmatic laws of Catholicism could have gone down 2 ways. Thankfully this went down the better route and is a laugh out fun film. The cast is superb, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon (more about them latter) as disposed angels sent to life out the rest on eternity on earth, to Chris Rock as an apostle, Alan Rickman,who is always great...regardless of what movie, as the 1 true voice of God and to even casting Alanis Morissette (an Atheist) as God. Sure there is more F words than Al Pacino in Scarface, mostly brought by Jay and Sielnt Bob....ok just Jay then, but it's all in good taste, and Salma Hayek in that scene. :lovies::lovies:

But back to Damon and Affleck. It has always struck me how often these 2 were in the same films together at the early stages, and how good both of them were....but around about after this film they branched off, and while Damon enjoyed major successes in the Borne series, Affleck stuttered and too me this just don't seem right. Affleck is a great actor imo (Chasing Amy being arguably his best role) but a few bad choices of movie's and it went the way of the pear. How fickle Holywood really is.


edit: just found out that John Hughes has died at the age of 59. Hughes was the director of such successful films as Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Breakfast Club, and Planes, Trains and Automobiles....basically the classic movies that got me through some dark sickie days as a kid where I would be wrapped up snugly in a duvet with a bowl of chicken soup, watching some of the best 80's comedy movies.


Probably the most beautiful movie ever made. If you have any kind of interest in photography, watch this. Preferably the Blu-ray.
Had a Brad Anderson double bill last night.

First up was The Machinist

followed by Session 9

Both excellent imo.
Love The Beast is a must watch.

Also saw The Time Travelers Wife last night. Was good.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I must say that it is, simply brilliant. A lot of people are criticising it, but I found it amazing how they could turn the most boring book of the even into a great film!

If you look closely at 'Weasley's Wizard Wheezes' you will see Ben Shephard .
District 9 was excellent.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :District 9 was excellent.

I want to see that one but It won't be on theaters for a month here
I just saw it I loved it great movie

Recommend a film you've seen lately.
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