The online racing simulator
Got bored while installing stuff last night, and simply because I just couldn't think of what to watch, I stuck on Casablanca again...still must be the Number 2 film of all time...a true classic.
If they ever try to remake it, the producer ought to be stoned to death for blasphemy.
I'm slowly chewing through what's been recommended here. I lately watched:
- Adaption
A movie like an onion that works on two levels. On the outside the format itself presents a lot of amusement, on the inside there's some philosophy to be thought about after watching it. I definitely recommend listening closely and staying focused during this movie.
- Hitchcock's Lifeboat
For the lack of a better word I'd call it a very vivid movie. The story itself is very static and thus the movie transfers all excitement through dialogue and acting, which works beautifully. A very nounced movie that should really be given full attention to grasp every detail, otherwise it will appear mediocre at best.
- Brazil
It's a truly fantastic movie in the literal sense of the word. Even though older than most viewers today it's a very contemporary movie that left me thinking for a good while after watching it. Unfortunately the movie is much too fast paced to link up everything while watching it. I frequently found myself thinking about earlier scenes after the mid-point of the movie.

Next are Being John Malcovich and Dead Poets Society.

Thanks a lot for everyone who contributed to this thread. I've had many good evenings thanks to this .

Quote from chanoman315 :Slumdog Millionaire


Loved that one, brilliant take on the ancient boy meets girl story, definitely one of my favorites. The dancing sequence at the end completely ruined it though... hahaha.
Quote from Vain :I'm slowly chewing through what's been recommended here. I lately watched:
- Adaption
A movie like an onion that works on two levels. On the outside the format itself presents a lot of amusement, on the inside there's some philosophy to be thought about after watching it. I definitely recommend listening closely and staying focused during this movie.

Check out Synecdoche, New York, the latest film from the guy who wrote Adaptation and Being John Malkovich (and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Human Nature and...)

Man on Fire well worth a watch....

Quote from danowat :Watched The Last Samurai for the 3rd time last night, and IMO, its a true classic, despite Tom Cruise being in the lead role.

Has everything a good film should, good story, great cinematography, good roles, great fight scenes.

When I first saw it, it was in a REALLY hot, stuffy and busy small cinema in Leicester Square, and I can remember forgetting about the surroundings for 2.5 hours simply because the film drew me in.

i went to cinema like that to watch Rocky VI

I have to say all i could think about was my stuffy surroundings lol
Just watched Shoot 'Em Up again.

God I love that movie
Le Diner De Cons - a nice stage comedy made into a movie. Not someting extraordinary but certainly worth a watch.

But for something extraordinary..

El Norte - a movie without a single flaw. absolutely fabolous sound!
Quote from Lible :Le Diner De Cons - a nice stage comedy made into a movie. Not someting extraordinary but certainly worth a watch.

Yep quite funny. If I may suggest another french comedy, Two Day in Paris by Julie Delpy is very well made, funny and thought provoking to a degree too
Made this list up for another board, but figured I'd post it here anyway...

My top 25 movies of the decade so far, in no particular order:

Wet Hot American Summer (USA)
The Piano Teacher (Austria)
Mulholland Drive (USA)
Primer (USA)
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (S. Korea)
Memories of Murder (S. Korea)
Last Life in the Universe (Thailand)
The New World (USA)
No Country for Old Men (USA)
Infernal Affairs (Hong Kong)
Zodiac (USA)
All the Real Girls (USA)
The Incredibles (USA)
Election (USA)
The Fog of War (USA)
The Proposition (Australia)
Oldboy (S. Korea)
3-Iron (S. Korea)
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring (S. Korea)
Oasis (S. Korea)
Survive Style 5+ (Japan)
Mind Game (Japan)
Master and Commander (USA)
Spirited Away (Japan)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (USA)
Yesterday "Ali G in da house" was on TV. EPIC!!

Best movie seen so far:
Shaun of the Dead and Cloverfield. Owyeah and Jackass 2 :P
Found "The Fountain" and the bargain bin and watched it again tonight. Saw it for the first time about a year ago when my aunt had died from cancer. Seriously good movie except if you're willing to put some spiritual effort into it.
#714 - ssm
Fast and the furious 4, can't find it anywhere online, but since it came out just yesterday, I downloaded a DVD torrent (probably from the dark reaches of Asian or Central Euro internet).

Was awesome. Lives up to the hype!
Valkyrie - - sad that its in english...i hate films (these are usually made in usa), where all around the world people speak english...even germans in ww2...but 8/10 for me

recently i saw "Taken", "Saving Private Ryan" and "Quantum of Solace"

Ryan is good action, interesting story, but i missed something within...
Taken is great story(poor and silly action), QoS is great action(poor story), a mix of them would be amazing

sorry forget about "Wanted" - piece of shit
Quote from majod :Valkyrie - - sad that its in english...i hate films (these are usually made in usa), where all around the world people speak english...even germans in ww2...but 8/10 for me

You sure about that? I don't know, it might be a good movie from a cienastic point of view (allthough unlikely, as Tom Cruise was involved), but as I am very interested in history, especially of the last century, I really hate such "historic" films that pretend to be accurate, while in truth, they are just standard hollywood crap with some known names from history.

Same goes for "Saving Ryan's Privates" or whatever that horrible abomination of a WW2 movie was called.

But to be on topic: just watched Der Baader Meinhof Komplex. Outstanding movie.
The Damned United

I will be seeing this on Monday, and can't wait. Brian Clough has always fascinated me, his persona and self belief (aka arrogance) just seems to draw me in. I was disappointed in the book, but as I really enjoy anything Martin Sheen does at the moment I'm willing to give this a chance.

Quote :Brian Clough: On occasions I have been big-headed. I think most people are when they get in the limelight. I call myself Big Head just to remind myself not to be.

Quote from ColeusRattus : "Saving Ryan's Privates"

That may or may not have been an, *ahem* adult parody of the film you are thinking of.
Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat i ate?
About Slumdog Millionaire... it's not a bad film and for those who have liked it I'd certainly recommend City of God (a definitely better film in my book)

My main complaint regarding Slumdog Millionaire is basically that it lacks any real indian-ness. You could take the story, make the characters Rom (think of Snatch) and set it in an European country, the end result wouldn't be much different.

Still I guess a shining future awaits for us, when movies are half about colorfully dressed characters singing and dancing around and making funny faces.

If they were as funny as this classic, I wouldn't mind
Quote from danthebangerboy :That may or may not have been an, *ahem* adult parody of the film you are thinking of.

I remember that... :hide:
Quote from ColeusRattus :You sure about that? I don't know, it might be a good movie from a cienastic point of view (allthough unlikely, as Tom Cruise was involved), but as I am very interested in history, especially of the last century, I really hate such "historic" films that pretend to be accurate, while in truth, they are just standard hollywood crap with some known names from history.

Same goes for "Saving Ryan's Privates" or whatever that horrible abomination of a WW2 movie was called.

But to be on topic: just watched Der Baader Meinhof Komplex. Outstanding movie. I'm not. But I enjoyed it I'm film fan in general and this was interesting topic for me. If you didn't see it, just try, I guess it's ok

Recommend a film you've seen lately.
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