The online racing simulator
Race Pro Speedbug?
(18 posts, started )
Race Pro Speedbug?

Does it look like it actually is the speed bug? Kinda crap if that thing is still around tbh

Still undecided wether this will be worth getting, it's just gonna be the same as every other simbin title in the last few years?
Played it today and I rather like it!
is the demo out now?
Race Pro IS a bug lol
Race Pro is waaaay better than Forza. This will get me flamed but i couldnt give a toss.
Quote from trebor901 :Race Pro is waaaay better than Forza. This will get me flamed but i couldnt give a toss.

the damage in forza is wayyyyy better than race pro..
Quote from trebor901 :Race Pro is waaaay better than Forza. This will get me flamed but i couldnt give a toss.

stfu u prick u are a retard u know nothing only cuz u r gay.

I wouldn't quite say it's better than Forza. Forza 2 is still the #1 360 racing simulation. Race Pro is probably 3rd or 4th, you can't recover from a drift, as I shown you multiple times while playing it at your house today.
im gonna change my name cos i cant say anythin on here without you havin a dig.
Quote from mutt107 :the damage in forza is wayyyyy better than race pro..

Damage doesn't make a sim
I prefer the car list that Forza has too. Race Pro has the yawnworthy list of supercars and performance vehicles that you can find in every game. I like Forza's mix of low and high-speed vehicles.

Full track of stock Mk3 VW Golfs FTW!
Race Pro has got WTCC, F3000, FBMW, WTCC 87, WTCC Extreme, Radicals, Caterham's, GT and then some stock supercars.
Quote from trebor901 :Race Pro has got WTCC, F3000, FBMW, WTCC 87, WTCC Extreme, Radicals, Caterham's, GT and then some stock supercars.

but the damage sucks, and thats what matters to me.
so u buy a game based on damage, thats pathetic.
Quote from trebor901 :so u buy a game based on damage, thats pathetic.

damage and physics... if you slam into another car at like 130 mph your car would be trashed.
Quote from mutt107 :damage and physics... if you slam into another car at like 130 mph your car would be trashed.

Well then at the moment, LFS is not your kind of game.
It isnt only speed bug, its also tires bug. Amazing, looks like arcade
Good game
Quote from Gills4life :Well then at the moment, LFS is not your kind of game.

Yup. Drive straight into a wall and you can drive away. Hit it sideways, though, and that's a different story.

Race Pro Speedbug?
(18 posts, started )