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S2 licensed
Quote from Janezki :Thread opened by a request.
Have a comment about moderators? Now's your chance to flame us.

*pats head*

Good job
S2 licensed
Very very very good idea.... Guys, relieve the load from your servers and let us distribute it to each other

Otherwise I think your server will curl up into a ball of tears
S2 licensed
I wonder how us drifters will be affected..

Time will tell

Hopefully less rather than more

(thread 102)
S2 licensed
7:30pm +10 Est
S2 licensed
I've seen a few "template" type skins around, i.e. s13, s14, s15 ones (Though I think they were for S1..... Are there any avail. for S2?
S2 licensed
@db: I'll try and get a nice XRT package for us .. i.e. skin/steering wheel/tread/brake lights/seat etc
S2 licensed
Quote from southamptonfc :The devs can tell me where to stick it, not you. I am a customer and paid the same money as you. I'm out of this now, you can reply and have the last word.


Stick it.

S2 licensed
Quote from MARSH2a :"Land Of The Free"
welcomes its 6th member to the team
[LOTF] torqueD

That's great news!
S2 licensed
I'm more of a drifter, and now I suck at drifting.. However, I'm finding it much easier to pilot the quicker RWD cars

Btw Jethro, did you used to be an Aus FxP'er??

Dw if you have no idea what im talking about
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :Check the power connector which plugs into the wheel or pedals (not sure where the power plugs in on that MOMO).

It could be loose and causing you to lose power. Also... do you have any other USB devices plugged in?

Could also try plugging it in a new USB port, and recalibrating it in the game.

Ha! I just remembered, there wasnt enough power spots on the power board for *everything* so I had to unplug my wheel... Keep It Simple Stupid, eh?

Thankyou for the brain-smack
S2 licensed
Quote from Fonnybone :Awww, isn't that cute, my devoted nemesis giving me attention
Out of all the posts so far, only one is a demo racer, something must be
wrong. My master plan for world domination is crushed !! On noooooo .....

Thanks for the bug reports guys. Apparently there are issues with
negative values, but some have already found a way to make it work.
I'm a humble person and can admit my shortcomings, i'm an amateur
programmer. I'll do my best to limit these annoyances when i get the
time. No promises except that i'll try. As for the presets not loading,
i'll have to look around for info, seems to work for most so it's more
a compatibility issue than a bug in the program itself.

Thanks bud, I am getting the feeling that I am missing runtime files or something like that, however it isnt actually telling me....... That is all I can think of really..

Is there some "mega" runtime package that I can download and never be annoying by missing ocx or dll files again??
S2 licensed
Great prog

However I cant get it to save/load presets!!

When I click either save/load, it wont do anything, the button just goes in and out like it is a dummy button...

Can someone help please?? I really want to try this online (Private server of course, with my mates)
Prob with momo... Have read other threads
S2 licensed
It seems as though my 1 week old Momo no longer has any FF at all...... I seriously doubt that I have broken it somehow already - ive used it for about a total of 3-4 hrs....

ANyways, the green lights will flick on for about 0.05 second and then go off... I remember when I first got it they would both come on or at least the left one???

Looking for a team
S2 licensed
Hi all, I've recently bought a good racing wheel and I am really starting to get into racing... Now that I can actually control the f08

However I'm still fairly new to it all, I'm looking for an Australian based racing team that play regularly......

I am also the founder of DRFT, and wish to remain so. DRFT is just a casual drifting team.. However I want to drift and race so let me know
S2 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :missed that too....would be cool XFG @ 350 KMH on Oval

w00t 800hp drifting here I come
S2 licensed
Threads like these make good reading during work lunchtimes
S2 licensed
This thread is retarded and has no use whatsoever.
Momo control settings
S2 licensed
Hey all, just bought my new Logitech Momo - Really happy with it :P

I'm doing much better with the more powerful RWD cars.. however, I am now completely hopeless at drifting The "snap" of the wheel and the FF in general is too much and interferes a little....

What FF settings do you guys use? Both in LFS, and in the Logitech profile manager... ?? (Overall, spring effect, damper effect etc.. ??)

Or do I just need practice with the current settings? Thanks!
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Where can i get race manager?

Do a forum search it's bound to be around here somewhere

Sorry cant remember url
S2 licensed
I think it's safe to say that we are all supporting the fuel companies
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :I can see what you mean about how long they have been working on the game, and how they are just dusting it off making finishing touches... but my example is different.

Think of it as owning a pet (the game). You take care of a puppy and feed it, let it grow and become really cool, and then your kids (community) want MORE pets. You buy say.... 10 dogs :zombie: and try to take care of those :doh:

Basically too much to handle... and if they want more, you couldn't be the only one to take care of them and spend money on all those animals, you'd need some help. The kids want to help And if you wanted to get more breeds (new features), making that kind of decision would be tough with the current situation...............

Nice analogy

S2 licensed
Quote from Renku :48,444 L / 100km
used only the distance driven in S2!

Um.. do you do lots of burnouts :P
S2 licensed
Quote from Vendetta :Travelled distance:24416 Ml
Fuel burnt:18621.23 Ltr
ok, what do i do to find my average mileage? (im an idiot )

KM / Litres = Km/l
Miles / gallons = Miles p/ gallon

Sheesh, you people worry me
S2 licensed
Quote from Roadie :you do the math..

S2 licensed
Quote from Roadie :where did you find this.

LFSworld - Editted first post for those of you that didnt know this existed