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S3 licensed
the LTC servers died for a few minutes today, so i'm guessing that your problem is now solved.
S3 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :today i was playing again when i switched to chase view i noticed that.
see attachments, first is my plate which says "SlowDown"
and the other 2 ones say "LMK" and "Kotel".
i have never used any of these 2!
so wth?

I see that you was in the LTC server when this happened. I happen to log number plates . But, nobody in the database actually has any of those numberplates stored.

So either, nobody has used them, OR they have changed it since.
Last edited by Krammeh, .
S3 licensed
the insim applicatoin messages are generally sent via the "host"
S3 licensed
gah that sucks. hope he can get online soon!
S3 licensed
okay, sure.

Would you use it for more than a month? or you just after the 1month free?
S3 licensed
I would host a 33 slot server (32 drivers) for a month for free if you wish.

After the month I would have to charge a small fee of £5.00 GBP per month for the server though.
S3 licensed
contact the dev's on from this link

and they will give you an extra . be nice to them though!
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor :gah, no, was my fault. I shut the relay down when i was having internet problems a little earlier. It's up again now though.

ah right - okay.

Thanks. I shall get to work on this tomorrow morning i think :P
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor :anyone can connect to the test version. Just make your client connect to instead of

Additionally you have access to the insim relay setup page at lfsworld (so you can add a host if you'd want)

I have added my host (one of anyway) and the status just sits at connecting. Anything I'm doing wrong?
S3 licensed
ah right.

I never use a lib for my apps. I was planning on making a few things that use it, to make my life easier.

Any chance you could give me access to it? so i could develop a few things?

I am even tempted to develop a lib for it?
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :It was done very quickly and very crudely to solve bigger problems at the time it was made, it simply sends a TCP ping backwards and forwards, it doesnt yet detect processes, but it will when I get a chance to do it properly.

just a heads up.

checking to see if it is a "process" does not mean that its running properly though does it?

Maybe every "keep-alive" packet, store something in the database (for each insim app). Then, if its been longer than 1 minute for an app, kill the old process, and reload?
S3 licensed
I just had a thought about how we could distinguish between demo players.

When they join, send a big IS_BTN giving them a unique passcode. and then, a box to enter their email address.

Every time that a demo player has to join the race, then they have to put their email and passcode in. Maybe not have the passcode as a IS_BTN, but have it sent in the email verification.

I am thinking about doing this for LTC. Dunno though!
S3 licensed
insim relay not enabled atm?

It says that its unavailable... Or is it that I dont have access?
S3 licensed
only reason why I ask, was because i was working on another track for LTC, and it was a bent pitlane, and just wondered if there was a tool that can pinpoint the exact xy co-ords .

I dont it with driving, and running a command to ask for the current co-ords ;P
S3 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :well im pretty new to lfs and to be honest I was more than a little disappointed with the choice in servers. I'm in california and I don't know if that puts me in some weird time zone or what, but I only see about 25-30 servers at a time, most of which seem to be cruise, private, empty, or CTRA. I find cruise servers to be an immature way to have children take fake money away from me whilst driving laps in lfs' crappiest car, the UF1. CTRA servers are not an option to me due to casper the friendly invisible passenger, so those are out. It really doesn't leave me with much. I'm kind of regretting buying S2 and I only wish for there to be as many servers as the demo(or more) for me to choose from.

New setups stops the whole passenger issue.

Take a look down the bottom, there are a few options that you can turn to "yes", maybe that will bring a few more servers up.
S3 licensed
why on earth not? its not exacrly hard to do that though!
S3 licensed
I thought you was one of the admins over at NPC?
S3 licensed
how'd you code the x-monitor?

mktime()'s? or process instances?
S3 licensed
haha, very true. we could go on like this for quite some time.
S3 licensed
you're running an insim, why not just log it in the database, and re-instate the /ban 1, if required?
S3 licensed
no no, I'm not saying that we are stealing them.

you do realise, that im the owner of LTC, right? haha!

Personally, I go between CTRA, CLC and LTC
Pitlane co-ordinates [x,y]
S3 licensed
Is there any tool, where I can see what the XY co-ordinates are, that surround the pits/garages?
S3 licensed
Quote from MyBoss :Just me that thinks it weird that this guys is selling his account but still wants insim programmers?

haha, very true. Did not even link the two things together!

Maybe, nobody said they would do the insim app, so he thought "f*** that game then"
S3 licensed
I think that so many people are being completly idiotic about this.

Cruise servers, are quite good fun. The only reason why I wanted to create one, was because I loved CLC's CC (still do, well now called Aston Cruise). There was a few things, that I wanted to add and a few thigns that I wanted to remove.

So, I made one, with the things that I thought were important. Hense LTC.

As for the "its a race sim, not a cruise sim". Its also not a Drift Sim, but you guys dont seem to complain about them. There are a hell of a lot more Drift servers, than there are Cruise servers.

At the end of the day, if the Cruise servers "steal" so many players, then its not so much of a bad thing? is it? It must be good, if there are that many players "stuck" into it, then they cannot be that "boring" and a "waste of time".
S3 licensed
nope, does not use java actually.

its a PHP InSim app, using a UDP connection, and a MySQL database backbone.