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Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :Well when you say that it sounds like the rotation is too low, that's why I posted the Steering Lock values.

My values were as you stated to start with while i was trying to set the G25 up. It is 720 in game and in out game settings. your previous post you mentioned TOCA3 & GTR (not even the 2nd!). Maybe you had the FFB inverted, because that option is available in some Sims. And the G25 isn't autonomously refusing you the ability to drift. It's either damaged, you're doing something wrong, or you can't drift (in which case I recommend racing).

Yes, i played TOCA race driver 3 (All car types, Not just touring) and didn't really play much of GTR (don't have the 2nd) due to wanting to play LFS and i had seen some where that you had to mess with certain files to make it work similar to Rfactor. I have included a video which was from when i had a Wingman formula force GP which shows that i can drift, granted my style is more rally but it is still the same technique. Btw the sound quality is a bit pap as the Vid is just some random one i threw together. ----> ... view&current=Test.flv

I do appreciate the advice given and the settings shown but you can understand how i must be feeling with this, i have taken everyones advice on board, followed the manuals and other peoples settings and i know i can drift, to only be able to not *somehow* be able to drift and i am at a loss as to why.

As to the suggestion of racing instead, yea thats fine but when I ever race I'm always a second or two slower no matter how clean I try to make my line cause my revs don't build as quickly or up as high enough so I'm not reaching the same speed (Even with pro setups) and now with G25 supposedly not letting me do anything with counter steer theres even less point grip racing. I could happily catch counter steer with my old wheel and do not wish to return back to it after spending so much on what would be a perfect wheel.


<--- whoops it was ment to be Hindered.

Oh and i came across this DXTweak 2 and was wondering whether this maybe something that could be helpful as i have TweakUI so it would make sense to get the DXTweak 2, but i am unsure as to as no one has mentioned whether it is a useful thing to have or not. Has anyone got this and if so did it improve your game play?

Thanks for the continued help.

Edit: Sorry about the way the post is set up, my g/f typed it all out for me as i feel she may be able to put what i mean into words better.
S2 licensed
I have been to LFS manual, and have done everything I was told to as in the last few posts, No matter what I set in game FFB or wheel rotation 720 or anything, I explained what the wheel dose further down the post:

"I just run out of opposite lock and spin, If I turn the counter steer any faster the front snaps out into the out side wall, If I stop the wheel turning it still spins"

I mean the force doesn't feel like its pulling the right direction or in the right place if I let the wheel go during the drift the wheel spins to opposite lock, Then back then the other way cause nothing anyone has told me is working
"Overall Effects Strength - Set to 101-105% (101% is good value). Due to problems inside the Logitech Profiler the FFB only starts to act linearly when set over 100%. You can always fine tune the level of FFB in LFS's Options > Controls or you can adjust it "on the fly" while driving with the FFB (Force Feedback) shortcut keys."
was the first thing I tried, So no matter what setting people have said, G25 will not let me drift, So I really have no idea cause I get told too many differnt ways, Not that anything has work'd

Also when I said to people in game that I set overall to 101, Why say turn FFB off in game? Seems like a stupid thing to do when you just paid $300 for a FFB wheel, Just stuff like that has rindered me from play LFS and the logitech profile I find no help with in runing or not, So whats the point in it?
Last edited by Koshi_Eternium, .
S2 licensed
I have had my G25 for about a week now and have just about everything everyone has told me and nothing helps, At firste the center spring was making it so I couldn't turn he wheel into corners Now with these settings

Overall Effects - 101%
Spring - 0%
Damper - 0%
Ticked Enable Centering Spring - 0%
Ticked Use Special Steering Wheel Settings
Unticked Report Combined Pedals

The wheel will not let me over steer, I have to set it to

Overall Effects - 50%
Spring - 20%
Damper - 20%
Tried both ticked and unticked Centering Spring - 0%
Ticked Use Special Steering Wheel Settings
Unticked Report Combined Pedals

And it still won't let me balance the car in a drift, I just run out of opposite lock and spin, If I turn the counter steer any faster the front snaps out into the out side wall, If I stop the wheel turning it still spins, I'm totally at a loss cause everyone says different thing,a Not that I have got any of it to work or any idea what what things need to be set to, Like car set-ups I have an OK idea of what everything is but wouldn't know where to start, But when I was testing the force feed back cause someone said it may of been faulty, It seemed to play just fine on TOCA Race Driver 3 and the 1st GTR game with the overall at 101 and the rest 0 can't remember if it was ticked or unticked center spring cause I've changed it that many times I dunno what its ment to feel like any more, But no matter what I do LFS will not let me drift,

Sorry about the long post, but its been proper driving me nuts how everyone can run their G25 with no problem and when I do exactly the same as they tell and it doesn't work, its instantly my fault,
I'm sorry if I did what they told me to down to the letter, How could it be my fault?, Its not like I've never drifted in LFS before, I even use the HUD steering meter the same as my old Formula Force GP wheel but it still, I just don't see why My G25 won't let me drift
S2 licensed
I have ownd two Formula Force GP wheels and found them to be good base wheels, I just got the EX version to replace it, but now my steering feel complety differnt even though the EX is like 90% the same as the GP, But I can't find the Wheel profiler and game options that it used to be
S2 licensed
I can hold line fairly well now, Its just i can't build up my revs on the longer flatout turns, Like the section into the last turn on ASclub, I get stuck at 130MPH, I've only seen Venus once since the X patch but he had to reload or something, And i haven't seen him or his room
S2 licensed
I know, most wheels do, But i still want a shifter on the left side where my free hand is, Anyways thats for drift/rally, I use the padles on the wheel for grip, Compared to the G25 the dfp looks poo
S2 licensed
I found that slickmod and other programes didn't work with the W patch, Will have to try LFSghost but having something to drive againest is helpful i don't need the line on the track as such, But something to refernce againest, Also DFP's have right handed shifter, I can't use right handed shifter cause thats the hand i steer with, Witch is why i want a G25 cause the shifter isn't part of the wheel and it has a clutch pedal
Last edited by Koshi_Eternium, .
S2 licensed
Thanks Venus, Sorry i didn't get back to you sooner, I had to smack my pedals with a hammer and now they work fine ^.^, I have an FE gold rev replay that i think is better im starting to push the car alittle more towards it limit, But im not 100% where that is on aston but i Rally/Drift FE gold rev alot so i know the turns alittle better, Let my know if this replay is a step in the right direction, See ya all and thanks again
S2 licensed
I am a Rally/Drifter And handbrake would be useful on some on the autocross hair pins, Mainly using the RB4 4WD's understeer unless you have the nose pointed where you wanna go and just having the foot brake working the frontbrakes sometime the tail dosen't always line upso a last minute pull on the hand brake to line the tail up

i don't suck that bad, I guess im just not tottly used to the pyhisics and tyre modles of the LFS grip cars making it feel like a dissadvantage, I mean i can get the FZ50 round the long FE rallycross rev quite well and that was before i realised i was on raod tyers, I think its cause i see such wide tyre and think theres gunna be more to hold, Especaily with the FZR the back tyres on that are huge but it dose like to go forwards on more than like 20% power
S2 licensed
Hrm? That just might work, I could use my Wingman wheel, But i would want the real thing tho, Like i said, I can get the mechanisim just wiring again like with building a shifter, i have all the parts but i can't map the pads PCB enough to where to solder, A handbrake shouldn't be to hard I mean its one axis and less than a foots movement, The thing from my pedals should be ideal just that my pedals plug into the wheel with what looks like a 56k[The little one that goes in the computer not the larger one that gose in the phone line] If i could intergrate it with the G25's shifter unit[Without making the shifter not work] or something that would be cool

Oh yeah as for using the Pad, The D-pad and thumbstick don't center right, Also same with mouse and keyboard users, with out force feedback, I got nothing to feel so i can't predict what the car is gunna do
S2 licensed
Since i don't need a shifter, Dose anyone know how i could make a handbrake, I know i can get the mechanisim [I'll just rip one from a car at a junk yard] but i dunno if i could make it pressure senistive, The bits in the pedals may be useful altho i dunno how i would plug it in to the PC and have it be read by the PC and LFS
S2 licensed
Ok, Just have to use the one that comes with the wheel for Drift and Rally
S2 licensed
Not a new wheel as such just the pedals, I mean my wheel isn't bad give you an alright feeling of driving but a nice full turn steering wheel shouldn't hurt execpt for maybe the prace brand new from logitech g25 is $300 £160somether with steel tripple pedal [So better pedal control with no flex] and 6speed gear box But for the BF1 i need seven. Unless i can twaek the final drive so it gose the same in 6 gears, I was thinking about making a 7speed shifter, I got the pad circut board all i need is to know where to solder the wires, The box and that shouldn't be anyproblem, Just the wiring i've seen i bunch of site with set by set, But my PCB has a blob of blick plastic making it hard to map the buttons, Anyhelp with making a shifter will be appceated,
S2 licensed
Thanks for the extra tips, I will have to try them as soon as i can get this G25 or something as good, I might still go online using a PS2 pad, Its works alittle altho the deadzone is too small, I know i can't drift with a pad but i haven't tried grip, Will post a replay if i do try with a padsee if its any better, If that guy could run that analisys [Dunno if thats right, Chances are slim] and give me an over view that could be helpful info, Thanks again

Forgot to add is there a social thred i should go to?, So this one dose get to long
S2 licensed
Also, just because the graphical side of the tyres are better, does not mean the physics are. LFS tyres pick up dirt (orange bar on the tyres in F9) and you can easily see the wear in F9 aswell.

I know LFS has to be atleast top 3 best racing games if not the best, But not only are the graphics looking good on NKP the phisics to tyres and look really good to, But if you have to pay then nevermind, Just thought if tryed the same style of car on a geam just as close to real life as LFS is somewhere between the two i might get cause they used real drivers and real cars
S2 licensed
I know, I think its cause of the 180 wheel set at 360 even making tunroing easyer altho im make a small move on the wheel it gets exadurated into the game, Need a new wheel set now anyways im looking at a Logitech G25 with shifter and tripple pedals and i hope to back real soon few weeks to a month, But untill then i guess all i can do is watch replays and try to pick up on stuff im missing,

I've noticed is the front right wheel gose red really quikly couple of laps while the other three are still cold, Is that a camber or a toe thing? Or combo of the two, Im not very good at makeing setups I know what stuff is, Just not whats good for what i need

Thats why i wanted to try this NetKar cause they have put tones into the tyre modles phisicly and visualy but i still dunno if i need that telematry programe aswell cause i dunno how to get into gear even tho i set the buttons and everything, It says that they are compatible but not if i need it
Last edited by Koshi_Eternium, .
S2 licensed
I need to get new pedals now, My throttle when it reaches about 98% the brake flicks on and off rapidly for no reason, So i cleaned it out like last time and its still doing it, Oh well will be back soon as i get new pedals
S2 licensed
Ok thanks, I do like the V8 car, Its almost exactly like th 1990's F1 cars for that track the gears could be alittle shorter, Im starting to understand how these tyres work and blancing with careful steering and power MRT help'd, The FOX dose feel alittle slugish but that may be an illusion im getting from the in car view do you think thats making me miss my lines? Using the in car view well its more of a bonet cam i lifted it up and moved forward slightly
S2 licensed
So like i asked the other guy, I need to turn in less and sooner,

I also had a go in the MRT and you really miss the downforce and the 30+mph the FOX has, but i was taking the chicane on SO town i think it is the one that dosen't use the motor way and was getting through that quite well around 2MPH slower with a bit of twitchyness on the exit bumps apart from the uphill section after the start line i lose speed into T1 but other than that maybe its the turbo it has but i was for the most part keeping up braking is also alittle hair rising
S2 licensed
Do you know if the ghostcar mod works with PatchW? cause having something to drive with might help me find the right line
S2 licensed
I've done what geeman said with another 100 or so gos at the chicane and i still don't have any front wheel grip to make the frist section, I've tried more down force softer tyres and surspention but nothing with get the car to turn like im seeing it turn and i can't read the analisis so its not gunna help
S2 licensed
I would like to try this NetKarPRO out, Cause its what im trying to do here just think a slightly differnt perseptive may give me what im missing in LFS, But all i can do is get the car to turn on i can't engage a gear and go, Its also teams with a real lift telematry program i think thats why i can't do anything on it, If someone has a go and thinks it would help me can they tell what that did to get the car to move? And if it'll help me find what i am missing here?

I won't get into troble for posting another game like that will i?, Just it seem like theres just as much effort on realisim in NetKar has as been but into LFS, Sorry if this is bad tell me and i'll won't do it again and delete this post
S2 licensed
Could you post a reaplay of about 3/4 speed then a full speed lap please so i can try and find that turn in point for the chicane, But from what your say i need to turn less sooner, is that right? Also would a little bit more front downforce help me with the chicane?

Thanks for everyones time, I know i can get alittle hot headed at times, Thats just cause i know i can do this and its getting to me thats its not working, If i can do even under 1:03.00 I'll be happy anymore will be bonus

And sorry again to the guy i hit in Racing Redline2 who ever he is[I know that one side of his car was black and the other yellow] that got me baned for the day, I wasn't used to the extra steering lock CptKirk surgested and it jumped left and i countered to much and shot rightm Into his back wheel, I dropped the steer lock from 400ish it 360 and it seems to be pretty stable
S2 licensed
Im just doind what i have been told and that was to brake later and harder and thats what im doing so how am i still being cautious when if i leave it another meter it'll overrun the corner aswell as not turning in?

Yeah i let go to shift, cause i use an auto cluch without the thortal blip/cut on shift, Is that why everyone passes me from a standing start?
S2 licensed
If you can't team speak could i meet someone online and follow them as they build the speeds up slowy and show me some other lines cause i can't find one through the chicane that works