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S3 licensed
Yes, same password.
If you cant remember, ask me in #lfs-endu at Gamesurge.
6h of Aston Historic: Qualification
S3 licensed
Startgrid for Aston Historic 6h

1. n!faculty racing 2:21.46
2. Ocrana Racing XR GTR 2:21.70
3. MasterBlasters 2:21.92
4. Mercury Racing Team 2:21.92
5. Pedal To The Metal Racing Team 2:22.08
6. Shock.fx 2:23.02
7. Triso Racing Team 2:23.26
8. teamnic 2:23.35
9. Ocrana Racing FXO GTR 2:24.26
10. ghostaholic racing team 2:25.47
11. FDB Racing 2:26.59
12. Twister-Racing 2:27.79

Last edited by Frankmd, .
S3 licensed
If I may add something to this:

The first qualification session will be held today (Sunday) at 21.00 cet.
S3 licensed
Saving the ozone layer huh?
S3 licensed
About the teams:
Only the current teams are allowed to participate. I understand that some teams have fallen apart during the season, but if we allow people to change teams, it's not really a team championship anymore. Then it would be a race on itself. We will probably move the teamrace forward next seasons, to ensure people are still together etc.

About the race:
The results etc. from this teamrace will be posted here, and not on the website, because the website isn't ready for teamraces yet. You have to signup in this thread (list in top post).

There will be one 1 hour session this Wednesday at 20:30. Both drivers are allowed to qualify, but only one car at a time. Maximum of 15 laps. It depends on the number of teams if every racer is allowed to be connected to the server (if there are more then 12 teams, only one driver can be connected at a time).
S3 licensed
Wow, this must the fastest time someone finds something out by himself

((bitFive&0xff) << 8) | (bitFour&0xff)

(using parathentesis) helped
InSim / Programming problem
S3 licensed
I was hoping that someone could guide me into the right direction here.

I am trying to read the NLP packets from Insim, the packets that give information about where a car is on track. But I am having some difficulties converting the info from the packet to normal numbers.

For example:

struct IS_NLP // Node and Lap Packet
char NLP [4];

word NumNodes; // total number of nodes in the path
word FinishLine; // the node number of the finish line

byte NumPlayers; // number of players in race
byte Sp1; // spare
byte Sp2; // spare
byte Sp3; // spare

NodeLap Info [28]; // node and lap of each player

Then to get the number of nodes in the path:

numNodes = bitFive & 0xff << 8 | bitFour & 0xff;

Which gives a number never bigger then 256 for any of the tracks, most of the times a lot smaller.

Then during a replay, I try to read the current node at what my car is. Then two things happen:

1. The node at the start finish line is not 0 or 1, but that is normal, according to some posts at the old RSC forum.
2. The node-number resets back to zero more then one times in a lap.

turn node
1 125
2 160
3 205
4 245
5 12
6 75
7 120
8 176
9 231
10 5
11 75

This means that there is no distinct between turn 3 and somewhere halfway turn 8 and 9.

I think the problem is enclosed in the way I convert the packet into a normal number, but maybe it is an LFS-bug?
S3 licensed
Hm, I dunno if I really had that less wing. I think it was 14/12, but yes, some people really had too much wing.

I did cause some dangerous situations tho, for which I have to say sorry. I nearly took out 2 cars when I braked at 100m for the first turn doing 279

Anyway, race wasnt that good for me, made too much mistakes, some of them felt weird, almost random. Especially the one where I suddenly spun out in the chicane leaving the oval part. Suddenly my wheel yerked to the left when I slightly hit the kerbs sending me into the barriers. Guess it was my own fault, but still felt weird.

Congratulations to Uros for winning the drivers championship, he really deserved it
S3 licensed
Arent you afraid of falling backwards? The wheels at the back are pretty much under the seat instead of behind it.
S3 licensed
Maybe give all DNF's the same amount of points, independant of the division?


Div C last finisher points minus 10?
Future season idea's
S3 licensed
A new point system, dependant on the numer of finishers:

Div A
1. 100
2. 96
3. 94
13 84
14 83

Div B
1 83+5 = 88
2 84
3 82

So every winner of a division gets 5 points more then the last finisher in a division higher.

Use of wind:

Before the season the wind setting for each race will be set randomly using a probability factor:

No wind : 60% chance
Low wind: 30% chance
High wind: 10% chance

Use of different sky settings:

Before the season the sky settings for each race will be set randomly using a probability factor:

Sunny: 50%
Evening/Morning: 25%
Overcast: 25%

More racers then divisions

Allow 80 racers to sign up and qualify for each event, and have up to 3 servers with 20 racers each. The servers are filled untill they are completely full (20 racers at the moment). This means there will be divisions with a low amount of racers. These divisions will only take place if they are more then 50% filled.

Two qualification sessions

In the week before the race, there will be one qualification session at Wednesday and one at Thursday. Both are 45 minutes, and each racer can complete 15 laps in total, best time counts, racers dont have to attend all the sessions.
Racers sign up for an event by attending the qualification, there wont be a list of signups before the start of the qualification anymore. Racers who don't set a time are not shown on the qualification page, unless they sign up.

Another possibility:

Qualification sessions of 1 hour starting at 20.00 cet on Monday and Tuesday, and then the race on Wednesday in the same week.

Race start at 20:00 CET

Will this be doable for UK/Portugal based racers?

Starting procedure

Keep it as it is.

Rejoining a race after a disconnect/out of fuel/crash

- Don't allow people to rejoin in a normal race until it is supported by LFS itself. This will only require more InSim work, which is not wanted.
- Allow rejoining during a team race. 5 minute stop and go penalty is given.

Pre season qualifying

Keep it as it is. Running one server for a week worked very well.

Shorter seasons

Interest in the league/season is very high at the start of a season, and quickly decreases. Future seasons all have 3 normal races and 1 teamrace. Popular car classes, like the big gtrs, can get more then one season.

Chat penalties

- The admins keep a list of racers who chat during a race or qualification session. Every line qualified as 'unwanted' will get the racer a penalty of 1 point.
- Rejoining a server after a disconnect : 5 points. People are also not allowed to join to 'see if there are other drivers having lag problems', because in case of a serious server malfunction the race will be stopped and restarted. But 9 out of 10 times it will be a problem on the side of the racer, and if someone reconnects he can time out again and take other racers with him.
S3 licensed
Quote from Chaos :but I know the girls are used to it and if the guys did take their chances I 'm pretty sure they would succeed

"Uhm, so I'm the winner... could we? :icon23:"
S3 licensed
So you got the kisses for winning a few LFS races?
S3 licensed
Mind you that its without monitor, so add about 400~500 euro to get a monitor that matches the quality of the PC and you still have a pretty expensive pc.
[GTR] Race 6: Teamevent
S3 licensed
I would like to use this topic for teams to sign up and to discuss the team event.

Here is the point table to be used for this event:

1. 200
2. 175
3. 160
4. 145
5. 135
6. 125
7. 115
8. 105
9. 95
10. 85
11. 75
12. 65
13. 55
14. 50
15. 45
16. 40
17. 35

teamnic | Red Barons
F. Drop
JJ. Nylander

Teamevent Racing:
M. Hennecke
B. Kasper

Killit Bang
T. Sauthoff
S. Luukka

Cyber Racing
U. Belak
C. Winkler

J. Boughton
W. de Bruijn

D. Heim
M. Schade

Ocrana.Ati Racing

1. Cyber Racing
2. n!
3. Killit Bang
4. Ocrana.Ati Racing
5. OCRANA.AtI Racing - East Pwned
6. Teamevent Racing
7. teamnic | Red Barons
9. teamnic | Save the planet

I will not be home tonight, so everyone is asked to save it's replay. If you forgot to sign up for the race, you can still join qualifying, just send me a PM that you did (otherwise Ill be puzzled when processing the results)

So to repeat, the qualification will be 1 hour. Every team can drive 15 laps. It is okay if one driver does 5 laps and the other the remaining 10, as long as there aren't 2 drivers from the same team on the track at once. If there are more then 10 teams (currently 7), only one driver is allowed on the server at once. If one driver has done some laps and want to take over, he disconnects, and then the other can connect.

Server name: LFS Endu Team Event
For the password you go to the website, it is the div a pass. If you arent registered before 18:30 you probably cannot see the password, if so, you should ask torfinn or da_hoe in IRC #lfs-endu @ GameSurge.
Last edited by Frankmd, .
[GTR] Race 5: Kyoto GP Long
S3 licensed
Discussion thread.
S3 licensed
Ok, div B and C will be merged again. Be quick, password can be found on the website.
S3 licensed
I moved R. Fowler to div A on request, because he had the same time as the number 19 in div A. I allowed him to choose and he picked div A. This only happened because he had the same time as another driver.

In future cases, if two drivers have the same time, they are also given the opportunity to choose, but if there is no room to put them all in the higher div they will all be moved down to a lower div (if there is room there).
S3 licensed
Quote from Morbias :But this is occuring on every downloaded replay. Am I the only one using this new LFS version (downloaded 05-08-17) with S2_ALPHA_PATCH installed?

Can you beam me up too? I wanna see where the world is 12 years from now.

On topic: maybe you have some sort of mod in your LFS directory? I know some mods like the slickmod in S1 had to be deleted from the LFS dir, to prevent it from running.
Otherwise I guess its a version mismatch.
S3 licensed
I agree about the 40% rule with Vyk indeed. In the Kyoto event one of our drivers got GFX problems at the moment he connected to the server. The driver currently in the car had done a 2hour stint, same for myself. But suddenly the current driver or me had to get into the car, instead of the driver that just connected. Because it was a 12h race we didnt get into trouble with the 40% rule, but during a 6h race we would've had to wait until the 3rd driver restarted his system.
S3 licensed
Servers are up. Passes should be visible on the site for every member. If it doesnt work, give me a shout in irc.
S3 licensed
What he said ^
S3 licensed
A lap is only counted when you cross the finish line. So every time you see "Laptime xx.xx" our system counts one lap. Even if you press shift+s 5 meters before the finish line it will not count as a lap.
S3 licensed
Ahh, much better...
S3 licensed
Remove the .th in thos filenames.

Hello inCog