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S2 licensed
I wonder where this "People who want to own gold are paranoid right-wingers" message is originating from.
S2 licensed
you're assuming that if the economy goes to hyperinflation absolutely no one will have any wealth, which is not the case. The people with wealth in land and resources including gold will be the only ones able to start investing again (not as in stock markets but as in hiring people to do a job)

You're very critical of Intrepid, but what would you use to trade with if the global economy were to collapse? Would you just say **** it and go Mad Max? I think not.
S2 licensed
So DWB what do you suggest is done to make the impoverished and disenfranchised youth more equal so they'll stop rioting?
S2 licensed
Intrepid it's gold and real estate. Rental properties are the best, people always like to live in houses.
S2 licensed
I think a great thing to do would be to audit everyone who receives government money to make sure they're doing with it what they said they would. This applies from the top to the bottom: from the UN, NATO, IMF etc. to corporations and agricultural monopolies that get tax breaks or even subsidies for no reason to private citizens who are getting welfare money they are not eligible for. All politicians talk about is eliminating government waste, but when a lobbyist comes into their office its like they're addicted to saying yes. A two second internet search will describe the most ridiculous things that the gov. has paid for, so I don't see the need to describe it here.

As for defense spending I would be happy to see defense spending actually be used for defending the country. There is no reason for troops to be anywhere but here, protecting the borders. The money saved by not getting involved in other people's shit would be tremendous and it could all be used for intelligence gathering, counter-terror and espionage to make sure Americans don't get killed. I don't really care if North Korea nukes South Korea or if China invades Taiwan or if everyone in the Middle East and Africa kills each other until there's no one left it's not our problem. Considering everyone hates America they would appreciate not receiving any foreign aid or IMF payments or NATO participation or even UN participation for that matter. I cannot find an example after 1960 of when being involved in any of these organizations has benefited us to the point where we would be ruined without it.
S2 licensed
I'll agree that this whole debacle went out of control, someone should have ended government's massive overspending somewhere around the second failed stimulus. Some republicans wanted to keep the promises they made to the people who voted for them. There is no economic school of thought that advises tax increases on anyone during a recession. I still think the consequences of not raising the debt ceiling would have been short-term and would have effectively taken away Obama's power to push unpopular spending bills through congress.

Obama's debt commission recommended a budget that would cut 4.4 trillion in ten years, but he ignored their findings and advice because they don't match his political agenda of big government. Instead he decides to cut 1.1 trillion which is a drop in the bucket. Look at the current economic climate: people are terrified of the economic future. They wonder if their houses are going to be worth even less next year. Businesses won't hire because they cannot make sense of turbulent markets. Corporations are sitting on massive profits made mostly overseas waiting until it's safe to invest. Obama promises hope, as long as you reelect him. What platform could he possibly stand on for reelection? His resounding success as a campaigner?

I realize you're a bleeding-heart, but would you agree that government spending should be at a fraction of current levels? Would you agree that it promises too much money that it doesn't have to too many people? Would you agree that we need an amendment to the constitution that requires a balanced budget? How do you feel about congressional term limits? These are reasonable things not affiliated with a political agenda, but with common sense!
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
BS there was never any chance of default even if all of congress 'lobbied for it'. We managed to raise the debt ceiling, borrow even more as a percentage of GDP and cut virtually no spending. And to top it all off, it didn't even manage it's one realistic goal: to prevent downgrade. While both parties had a part in this disaster, Obama can try to blame this on whoever he wants. But he is President and the buck has always stopped at the oval office.
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
I just saw that now. It was inevitable. The whole 'debt deal compromise' consisted of the left getting exactly what they wanted and pinning an eventual downgrade or default on House Republicans. The same Republicans who came up with a plan that would have cut trillions immediately, capped spending at a percentage of GDP and required the US gov. to balance the budget every year. But that was too crazy for Democrats to even bring up for debate in Congress, they wanted to cut maybe a trillion, maybe within the next ten years, and maybe that will get us back on track. Not good enough for the American people to believe, and obviously our creditors don't believe that BS either.

Quote :i just checked the dow jones index, it was only down 100 points overall today. blah.

My father just dumped all of his stocks (5 hours before this announcement) after losing $2000 in just two days. He's not a huge investor by any means so that is a considerable loss. Using that money, we've just bought a third rental property, which is a much safer investment IMO.
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
politicians including Obama don't have the balls to let their wall street buddies lose money. The evidence that there was no recovery is the 10% unemployment rate in the US, which is now a stagnant figure. Now we've raised the debt limit again even though we have more than enough money to run the gov. at a greatly reduced capacity (perfect) and afford to pay all social security and military pay, which Obama scared the public into disbelieving. now he's on a week-long bus tour of the Midwest, raising money for his reelection campaign. If only he were so adept at raising money for the country.

All of this was to preserve the US AAA credit rating, which we don't deserve because we're now borrowing almost 100% of GDP.
S2 licensed
I thought all hell would break loose when the European markets opened today. I'm glad the EU decided not to bail out Greece and friends again.
S2 licensed
someday...biological computers powered by genetically engineered brains?
S2 licensed
more like 15-20 years if we keep making advances at the same rate
S2 licensed
no I'm kidding but it would be fun to show up to the track with a barbie car lol
S2 licensed
whatever. If you try to get me to stoop to your level again just know that It's never going to happen.
S2 licensed
true that they love scouts

edit* that didn't come out right
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :flymike: "women and babies are the REAL terrorists!"

Leave me alone already I don't talk shit about you, ever.
S2 licensed

just got it last week. Replaced the NiCad battery with a Lipo/brushless motor setup. I'll tell you how it goes when I can test it out later.
S2 licensed
probably wouldn't interest anyone outside of the US but Cowboys and Aliens was great fun. All the actors were talented and played the parts as well as they could (no lol we're cowboys and they're aliens lulz)
S2 licensed
Although we're making exponentially better video games every decade I think there is some component that is lacking. The way games are now it takes a super computer to run at highest quality and the next game that comes out a year later takes a little better computer to run at highest quality. I'm probably less knowledgeable than anyone here about technology but this is how I see it:

monochrome squares (pong)>> 2D sprites>> 3D polygons+textures>> ???>> ???>> ???>>

People saying that it can't be done because computers are programmed to run games with polygons...well then the status quo needs to get better, as it has always done.
S2 licensed
oh i read that as 'show trucks/utes serve no purpose' sry
S2 licensed
I'm far more worried about a girl lying to the police about domestic violence against her than actually being involved in domestic violence.

Becky that constant vigilance is something that men go through as well. Except in our case an example is no man in his right mind puts himself in a situation where he is alone with someone else's children for any reason. It's not women or children men are afraid of, its the fact that they will go to prison if either of them makes false allegations.
S2 licensed
just like every other show car
S2 licensed
Nice score! That basically opens up the opportunity to get any job in the Marines, actually getting that position is up to you.
S2 licensed
Man I need to start stealing race cars, seems they're just giving them away.
S2 licensed
well I'm back looking forward to blowing on cartridge contacts again