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S2 licensed
I thought PRT was pharahos racing team or something
S2 licensed
I don't see it! I play American football, which seems more contact and injury provoking. Then I play European football/soccer and I break 2 fingers in 10 days (and dislocated my middle finger, left hand 6 months ago playing defense).. My Keeper season ended quickly.
S2 licensed
I should be there, I'll let you know on Monday.

I've just recently broke my right index finger last monday playing soccer/football. 10 days later, I break my right pinky doing the same thing. Minor fractures, no big deal, but I got a splint. I'll take it off for the race.
S2 licensed
Well, I've been hotlapping tonight. I use the Team Inferno set, whic I think is fine. By the way, I broke my finger so don't complain about my lap times! With a splint on my right index finger (hard to upshift) I get around 1:19.50's. (On Sunday night).

Today, I went hotlapping and got a time of 1:18.[?19?] (Balls, forgot it, was offline too!) Anyway, I'm taking my splint off tommorow for the race. Bad for my finger, but who cares :P

Also, I'm still unsure about the yellow flag thing. Will their be an announcement on whether it's a full course yellow, or just yellow in a section?
S2 licensed
I personally like that turn. Dispise the last 4 turns before the oval though. What lap times are you all running. My best was like 1:19.49 or something. Now my finger is broken from soccer/football. Will still participate, but it's hard to upshift xD
S2 licensed
Is it always full course yellow, or if there's a minor crash on T1, can you cautiously pass the crashed vehicles and then continue your race? Same if the safety car is trying to flip someone over, can we just slow down at that point, and return to racing speed the rest of track?
S2 licensed
Are we supposed to be in the first post of this thread?
S2 licensed
Thanks Dekojester, I hope the race will be clean on Saturday. I'm looking forward to it!
S2 licensed
Ok, We've edited our first names in. I'll read the rules througholy now. Is there anything else we need to do to race in this series? Or do we just show up on saturday?
S2 licensed
Pearcy, was that comment really necessary? Just because we represent a cruise server doesn't mean we have no racing skill. You should really think before you say something..
S2 licensed
Thanks, I've posted, I'll direct my teammate to the thread aswell. Is that all I need to do to get signed up correctly?
S2 licensed
Name: [TC-R] K.JuhaszEDIT:[Kevin Juhasz]
S2 Licence: Crazyy
Wished Starting Number: 12
!!!promising to take part!!!

My teammate will also be taking part this weekend, and further events, I'll direct him to this post so he can sign up ASAP.
Last edited by Crazyy, .
S2 licensed
Silver Arrows pointed me to this thread for registration and stuff. He accepted my team into the series. I have a manager, me as a driver, and another driver. I also have a backup driver if someone is not able to attend. How can I full register, sorry don't kill me, I'm new to this

Our team is [TC-R] = Traffic Cops Racing (You might recognize as a cruise server, but we assure you, we have some experienced drivers.) So that's 2 racers attending the race this Saturday. Our usernames are: " Crazyy " and " Thatguy ".
Last edited by Crazyy, .
S2 licensed
Just like the ones [TC]'s using? AFAIK They end up lagging the servers.