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S3 licensed
Quote from Everen :1,2,3,4 renderparty :boing:

I hope it is all ok so

Everen, amazing renders!!

Could you please try to render this for me?

S3 licensed
My skins...

Thanks to Yannick Martin for the FO8 and Lee Baker for the HEL

Edited: now with a render!
Last edited by buck77, .
S3 licensed

Now, with the correct helmet skin!!!


Hey guys...
It's me again!

Yannick and Lee made some great skins for me...
I wonder if I could have all the three attached skins into one scene.

They are my 250 and 500 cars!

I would like my helmet on the FO8 KY500 car as well!

Also, a little mention:

Cars - Yannick Martin
Helmet - Lee Baker
Render - ?

I will use it as a wallpaper [1280x1024 and 1280x800] in both computers I have.

Do someone think it is possible to do??

I am actually looking for something like the attached render!

Thank you guys for the help as always!!!!!!!!!!!!
S3 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :Dan: I corrected a minor flaw in the skin (lift tab depression on the wrong side). Look in my OP for the corrected skins.

It looks great both ways tho!

But thank you for investing your time on my hel skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

already saved and uploaded
S3 licensed

Thank you very much for this...
Your skills are no less than INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S3 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :Hold on there, Mr. Buck. You seriously aren't thinking of driving that Brazil-themed open wheel car with that blue/red helmet? ICK! Gimme an hour (or less) and we'll have a more appropriate helmet for when you drive that FO8.

EDIT: Here you go....much better looking in the FO8.

Thank you, thank you, thank you...
It really does look great in the FO8!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just edited my message up there...
Do you think someone could make such a render for me?!
S3 licensed

it's today! \o/
S3 licensed
Hey guys...
It's me again!

Yannick and Lee made some great skins for me...
I wonder if I could have all the three attached skins into one scene.

They are my 250 and 500 cars!

I would like my helmet on the FO8 KY500 car as well!

Also, a little mention:

Cars - Yannick Martin
Helmet - Lee Baker
Render - ?

I will use it as a wallpaper [1280x1024 and 1280x800] in both computers I have.

Do someone think it is possible to do??

I am actually looking for something like the attached render!

Thank you guys for the help as always!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by buck77, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Knight_Atack :Hey there, do you want a similiar styled FO8 as the one I made for you for the KY250? Or you want it in the helmet colors? (The black would be nice)

It would be great if you could do the 500 skin for me...
The 250 skin was the most beautiful and well designed 'new skin' at all times!!!!

If you could try and make it as the last one, I think it would look just AMAZING!!
FO8 Kyoto 500 skin request
S3 licensed
Hello everyone!!!

Could I ask for a Formula V8 Kyoto 500 skin?

The graphics needed are here: ... id=83533&d=1241499110 ... id=83534&d=1241499110

I would also ask for #12 car.

My helmet skin is here, if you want: ... id=84196&d=1242315674

As I know the skinners here are very creative, I will not ask for any specific thing, colours or so! Feel free to create a cool private skin!

Thank you guys in advance for helping me with that!!
S3 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :Here you go.

That was just what I was expecting!!!

Thx, beefy!!
S3 licensed
Could someone please render this for me?! ... id=84196&d=1242315674
S3 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :Here you go! I wouldn't normally do this (especially for someone outside my team), but your skin was so horribly mismatched at the seams that I couldn't NOT do it. I made a couple small changes (like the added front chin paint, the darker blue on the sides, and the "speckle" paint effect)...I hope you like it!

Remove the "_512" before uploading and the "_2048" before putting that one in your skins folder.

How can I thank you more?!
The work is AMAZING!!

Did you like my painting?

Thanks for this exception! You rock x10!!
S3 licensed
i would love to have the number 77 if possible!
S3 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :What is on the right side chin? Artmix? I'm sorry, I can't read that very well. Also, do you want the original version that has four nose vents, or the version that uses Darkone's template? I think those two are different helmet brands (the latter is the Arai, obviously, but I'm thinking the first is a Beiffe FA10K?)

Artmix, correct!
It's the logo of the guys that made my real life helmet...

At the right side its Daniel Buck [my name] and B+ [my blood type] with my country's flag!!

My real life helmet is a Bieffe F1 model. Do you know this one?
But, actually, I like this Arai model... I just don't like the logo!

I cannot believe you can help me with my helmet!!!!
If you think we have to change anything in the painting, feel free!!!
Maybe I can paint my real one like the one you will design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S3 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :Thanks, Dan!

Why, what's wrong with your helmet?

EDIT: Oh, now that I see it in the viewer....I see why you are asking! Wow dude....many errors running rampant. Do you have a version larger than 512 to look at?

I have one here...
A friend of mine made it 512, but I once had to send in 1024 format to a league I was racing...

Let me know what you think. Maybe we could remake it if you could try to help!!!
S3 licensed
awesome work, banshee!!!

would it be too much if i asked you to remake my helmet?
S3 licensed
when i started watching this movie i was 'gosh, another drift video' but, few seconds later i was HOLY SH*****...

u guys are insane!

S3 licensed
Saturday 1am??
10 pm of friday here...

IM SO IN! \o/
S3 licensed
Let me understand one thing:
01:00 UTC on Friday??
So this 3rd practice session will happen before the 2nd one, right?
Or this 01:00 is '01 A.M.' of the Saturday?

I didn't get it!
S3 licensed
Friday, May 15th at 19:00 UTC

It will happen during my work day...
I leave the office at 22:00 UTC, so I will be out of another practice session!!

S3 licensed
well done!

S3 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :I have a notice here. Next race will be R2 tires only and Kyoto Oval normal configuration, this is for the guys who want to practise Ky500. Sign-up for the event is mandatory to compete in the next week's "special" event. This means that no more Kyoto oval Reverse competitions in [RSTO] Season 1.


Car - FO8
Track - Kyoto Oval Normal configuration
Laps - 75
Tires which can be used - r2 only


Man, what was that?
I made a great start but I was losing my car each and every corner...
I flew up just before the first running lap! LOL

SCANIA, JUST A HINT: please be much more careful when warming up your tires... you hit me three or four times during the pace laps!! you don't have to warm up your tires like a freaking maniac like you were doing there! you can screw other's race just before its start...

Replay, anyone?
S3 licensed
Quote from Gabriel B. :Here:
You find lots of interesting photos and landscapes in 3d

great stuff man... thx a lot!!
S3 licensed
Quote from Gabriel B. :I'd be happy to see a race/hotlap, etc like that.
It works just fine since i got some experience in this kind of stuff (used to watch stereophotos for hours on flickr, and also made my own:P)
Good Luck!

send us links!!