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The Very End
S3 licensed
Oh sorry Smile Tried with cable, same results. Will give it a try googling that.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Hey! I do not have the wheel or time to play online these days, but would love to test out your LYs offline if that is ok for you? Do you have a collection of all your LYs that you want to share? Smile
The Very End
S3 licensed
Thanks for the replies. I did run a propper full scan but could not find any problems. But I do not understand why Steam chose to do this? It must be some sort of settings they do that forces my downloads to stop... Blergh ;p well, I'll just let Steam run in background and eventually things are downloaded over the course of days ;p
The Very End
S3 licensed
Hmm, the checkdisk is a built-in feature for W7 or must I download something? Will give it a propper try tomorrow and see. Oh and it's allways on Steam while downloading. Never seem to be any problems when updating games from Blizz Launcher or direct downloads from browser.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Can't be sure about anything, so just to make sure I did call the ISP and explaining the situation. They of course refused to believe it was anything of their controll, and made me do the usual retard-dance around restarting everything, checking cables and then 60 minutes later reach the conclusion "you're ****ed mate" >.<
Steam if fu*king me over, please help!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Aight, since it's little activity here, I though it would be a good idea to use this forum for something! And that "something" is my Steam, which have desided to live it's own life for the last half year.

What's basically happening is that every download will start and reach full speed for about 10 seconds, before it stops and schedules itself to start download 5 minutes later.

I'v read around, and it seems to be different sollutions, but none of the following worked for me:
* Reset router/modem * - Did that, no change, even tried directly into modem, no change.
* Change download region * - No change.
* Limit the download / upload speed to way below the maximum capacity of the DSL line * No change.
* Use big picture mode when downloading * No Change.
* Remove Steam and reinstall everything * Did that, Steam still beeing an ass.

Getting tired of this and I have no idea why it started to do this. As far as I can tell I can't recall doing anything, Steam just desided to screw me (the downloads) over.

PS: I have 25mbit/2mbit line, and ran a 12 hour ping/trace on it. Around 1-5% package loss, but that should be within the reasonable.. or?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Aight, so just for the support I upgraded and gave it a go. It's a good track and fun to see the release eventually.

Alltho I might not race much (or anything) anymore, I'm still keeping an eye on this project. Hopefully we'll see more stuff beeing released the upcoming year(s), which might help re-activate the racing scene of LFS once more Smile
The Very End
S3 licensed
Can't join the fun sadly, but I would like to give a try on that layout offline sometime if that's possible? Smile (aka, asking if you would be a kind sir giving me that fancy looking LY)
The Very End
S3 licensed
Are you drunk? ;p
The Very End
S3 licensed
Fantastic responce guys, thanks a lot! Smile On my Ipad here so I will be short; lately, as in latest years I have been more and more curious on various programs and started to enjoy it. Recently I have been trying to learn myself some Blender, and earlier I used a lot of time to try learning the music producing program Reason. What I learned is that I enjoy this very much, creating something out of nothing, it gives great satisfaction. Obviously I do not master these programs, but I think my interest of learning more proves that Im having the propper interests Smile But should I aim for the more creative part of studies, or will coding means more on a cv? Again, I am not taking this degree to just get a certain job, its more like giving myself a satisfaction of having a degree and the opertunities that gives me.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Great advices here, thanks a lot! Truth be told I'm never really thought mouch of programming, allways belived I don't have the skillset to be good at it. I'm not too good in math for example, I'm better in language studies than I'm in math. Physics I never had on school, but don't know if that is a thing that is needed to be in-the-zone?
And, for you people that do programming / scripting for a living, is it fun / needed in future jobs in IT?

jkat - what are the shortenings for? Smile I am quite god damn horrible at creating things, but I would like learning it. Creating things is a dream of mine (be it modding, creating things with the propper tools, 3D modeeling and such), but again I'm not sure if I got the right skillset for it. From what I'v understood the school starts at absolutely 0 skill start, and then you progress over the 3 years and chose your branch of specilization on the later years.

Jakg - so what does a software engineer actually do? Is it possible to be a "less" good one, aka bachelor degree in IT instead of engineer degree?

Racer X NZ - Thanks, I'll see if I can find this William Gibson, guess it's in book form or online reading? Also, don't you think local knowlege and language will be important in the future? Sure, most things can be fixed online, but some matters will be needed to sort out on the companies physical adresses by humans that speaks something else than east europeen language or chineeze (wrong spelled)?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Thanks for the reply Smile Maybe I was a bit, or quite horrible at explaining! What I meant is that I'm prepared to learn and do programming / learning the varios programs used in the industry, but however, I'm going to use more time on the part of study that aims for people that wants to help people with technical problems, instead of the ones that writes coding lines most of the day.

It's quite hard explaining the difference here in english for me, but I know that my abilities are at best... OK, and I will need to learn a lot the upcoming years, but even with that I will not be GREAT. But I do like it, computers, technology and such, aswell that I have several years of experience with handling customers and tech questions. It's a job I like, but I want to take a propper education for it.

It might be a shot in the dark, but hey... well it can't be a worse idea than what I'm currently doing? ;D
The Very End
S3 licensed
I'm really ready for a change and focused on finishing this! Smile If I made it 13 years on school before, 3 more is nothing ;D In addiotion, my GF is educated teacher/historical, so she knows some study tricks and motivation that will help me on that way!

And I was online some weeks ago actually! No wheel or anything, so I was experience the life of the midfield driver.. was actaully pretty ok! Might do some races in the future when I get a wheel Smile
Fu*k me, I'm doing education, HALP
The Very End
S3 licensed
Aight, so for you that know me I have been doing various stuff over the years, but have desided that at age of 27 I'm going to take a bachelor (3 additional year) degree. What I landed on was IKT, roughly transelated to computers/technology in society 'n shit.
It's within my interests, aswell that it's closeby to where I live and lastly good work opertunites afterwards.

My questions however is in regard of the optional matters/studies. On the second year I will be able to chose form a wast/huge amount of additional lines withing IKT, but to make it simpler for you to understand it's either programming stuff or more creative stuff / learning programs.

What would you suggest? I know that I most likely won't do programming, but I could like learning certain programs and go deeper into the technology / society part. If anyone has some pros/cons or experience on the matter, what you suggest? Are you satisfied?
The Very End
S3 licensed
**** this is awesome, I'm quite much very drunk now, and driving forever alone on this layout is actually quite fun!
(I'm even more shocked I manage to write somewhat correct, I guess humans do adapt after all...hmm!)
The Very End
S3 licensed
Bad news Frown Alltho he might be a bit of a cock, he/with the others, creates an great show. Top Gear will not continue without him/them.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Fucks sake he done now lol?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Haha, god damnit Peugeot part was awesome Big grin
Wonder what the Peugeot leaders thinks of a "comercial" like that!
The Very End
S3 licensed
It's a good looking car, aswell as value for it's money (the Mazda). I'm not even bottered to resize so enjoy it while it melts your browser Smile

The Very End
S3 licensed
I'm owner of a Mazda 3, made late 2011 / 2012.

Good things:
It's cheap (diesel, uses around 0.45 each 10 km)
Reasonable to insure
It's not bad looking, not top either, but you get a good looking car for a good money
Interior is strict, but functional - no crap
Good aircon

Bad things:
It's a little noisy on rough asphalt, but as soon as it's smooth again it's sillent. The noise comes from the tyres mostly
The Bluethooth is set up to only work as a handsfree, dont know of any work around for getting music played over it
The ass... for ****s sake... It's a good looking car everywhere else but the ass is not good looking.

Other than that, I'm pleased with it! Big grin
What model is it, the BRAND NEW 2014 modell? If that's the case I envy you, that actually is damn nice looking car with even a lower fuel ussage compared to mine aswell as more power from the engine
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :
Quote from Scawen :Without going into details, I don't think the access roads are only for cruisers.

This is the rally pack that Tor has wanted!

Bastards, all of you! Frown
The Very End
S3 licensed
Rofl, what is going on with the speech in background? xD
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Flotch :
Quote from The Very End :...what do you belive will be the final track / car number addition in S3? Again, your answer will be taken as a guess, not promise. Just wondering!

I am sure you too remember the rally pack ^^ , I would guess do not expect any answer before Westhill refurbishment is done , and even after ...

Shhhhh :scared:
The Very End
S3 licensed
Nice reading aboug progress! It's been so many years since it all started, that most of us which were still kids back then have matured and grown into something which starting to look like a normal human beeeing

As for me Im still lurking around, but I guess time has caught up to me and I dont have all the time and will to pick up fights with the members and the devs of this community ;p

Back topic, Scawen, I know everything is work in progress and subject to change, but at current time beeing, what do you belive will be the final track / car number addition in S3? Again, your answer will be taken as a guess, not promise. Just wondering!

Have a jolly good day further!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Damn you, admit you'd shag me freely if you ever got the chance!

Either way, OR. It's really quite something, while I understood beforehand that it put you inside the game world, I did not belive the depth would be that great. Things on distance really look at distance, while closer things looks close to you, great stuff!

Only complain I have is that the screen is a bit blurry yet, but hopefull they will fix that.

If OR makes LFS better - yes, but I still rather wait for a more clear monitor inside the glasses before buying myself a version.