The online racing simulator
TEST Patch W20 : updates (W17 compatible)
(81 posts, closed, started )
I found another small issue with the new version (well started with W10)
The "can't reset-would cause yellow flag" rule needs to be applied to AI as well.
I know AI will be worked on at a later time, but they shouldn't be able reset and repair right in front of other cars thus causing collisions. I hope this is an easy fix (I'd imagine at least).

Since I'm a demo racer (for now) and the demo community is , how shall I say, lacking common sense, I prefer racing offline with bots.
Just in case you were wondering.
Quote from Doorman :I....f I have one reservation it's that I'll be downloading a lot of crappy skins and skins of people that come on the server and then almost immediately leave, never to be seen again. I may be daft, but I have a thing about having a load of stuff on my pc that just sits there not doing anything.

Maybe a simple option to be able to turn the skin download on or off, rather than having to exit to the options menu and hunt around for it??
When you are in the pits after spectating(spectating then hit shift+p) should the shift+j shortcut let you join? I think enter will take you to joining but the shortcut doesnt seem to work in the garage.
btw since youre working on the skin folders and saving options
an option skin folder in the cfg might be useful both for traffic bills and for those who use the high res skins so that users with multiple lfs folders dont download skins twice all the time
I've fixed the skin preloading system in W21.

It works nicely now, it downloads (or preloads if it's on your hard drive) all the needed skins, then all cars are painted and there is no stuttering when you first enter the server.
#81 - Gunn
Quote from Scawen :
You can manually save high res skins to your skins folder, then you can see them in high res without using the premium download option.

So does that mean that when I want to put my mates', high res skins into LFS that I have to put them into my skins folder - meaning that anytime I want to choose a skin for myself I now have a huge list of skins to browse through, skins that I never use?
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TEST Patch W20 : updates (W17 compatible)
(81 posts, closed, started )