The online racing simulator
How accessible is LFS?
(29 posts, started )
On another note, just a question about accessability and motorsport, what sort of setup does Alex Zinardi use in his WTCC BMW?

AFAIK both sequentials and Hgates are allowed in S2000, but supposedly he uses a hand operated clutch. But that is old info though.
Quote from Bean0 :IIRC there is/was a thrustmaster wheel with analogue paddles that someone was using as they didn't have the use of their legs.

I use the analogue paddle Thrustmaster, not because of a disability, but because of a lack of leg room at my desk.
Just quietly, I think it makes braking and accelerating a bit more accurate than using your feet.
If only FF worked on mine, then it might actually be an advantage
Zanardi uses hand controls, with a paddle for the throttle/brakes, and a gear shifter (I think)

Getting back on topic

@csu1 No go on college. I checked and they block anything LFS related (Ironic really, the main server's Linux )

@rooble Guided tours suck. I agree. But the answer I'm proposing is complex, and I'm not really sure I can explain it. The basic gist of it would be to let a blind driver memorise the sounds of the car on the racing line, then practice (With a sighted driver to keep them on track) that line, then introduce one or two cars, and gradually work it up from there.

@everone I'm against the forced equipment for the reasons that a) it's pointless and b) quite possibly illegal in the UK. I'm not aiming to open that whole can of worms again.

@everyone (again) Most blind people feel left out when it comes to computers in general, not just games.
Quote from danowat :I seem to remember there was a racer a while back with physical disabilities.

I think LFS itself is fairly accessible, but the controllers that are used aren't that great for people with disabilities.

I think that's wrong. The point that you can put basically every axis from your controllers to the car and drive it with autogear and maybe one additional button, should make it possible for people even with a TrackIR as only possible input to drive the car. Well, I'm not physically/mentally disabled, but I think it's really good already. On the other hand, maybe only some disabled guy can answer this best.

How accessible is LFS?
(29 posts, started )