The server is not running at home. It's a root server hosted by United-Hoster in Germany. To the internet it's connected with 100 MBit.

To blame the server is an easy way dealing with the problems. If you only see the local LfS-Client and the LfS-Server it's probably too easy. Unfortunatly there is a third component needed, the internet.

I think next time we'll search for another server hosted somewhere else.
yeah this is nice to hear otherwise it wouldn't have been possible to ask my tamnates to take part in the 24hr part . Maybe you can ask the admins of the 16hr race (racing minds) their server's ran faultlessly iirc except from the tracker where they could learn from you :P
Here are the winners of the first DoP Double Tour 2011 - Kyoto National [R]

Standigs: ... ?navigation=dop_standings

The 'Serverproblem' was even not a 'Serverproblem'. If you watch the uploaded two mpr's may be you realize five times every 1.5h - 2h only the same couple of teams like 'Hellenic Racing team, Hellenic Racing #2, Tiger Express Motorsports NGT, 'Concept Racing', 'Silver Ayer' and 'HoR' lost the connection. In their pull other player went with them.

We have had several, or better the rest of the whole grid like the three Evo-Racing, Xcite, TDRT, three BC or the winning teams in the classes without any problems. Why these bulk of discos happened, again and again with the same teams, really we don't know what it was. So, most of these involved teams were the last DoP's even with us.

These DoP Servers support the Cityliga ( since years now, without such a problem.

We feel sorry with the teams.

Quote from kai0r :

What was the problem last year ? irrc it was nobody could connect to the server anymore during the race which lead into a RED Flag and race restart after 8 hours last year.

The great disconnect last year was my horrible mistake. I used a very good insim Admin tool, but joined the race as driver. A very big fault. So that was last year on me. You can see this, as i try to join the box while Admin tool still runnig
#79 - troy
I'm still convinced it was the server or the network from the provider of the server, you could clearly see the lag building up via lfsremote then the connection was lost to remote and nobody could connect to the server for a few minutes. I don't know why always the same teams got booted first but it can't be a coincidence that the server lags and disappears from remote and your tracker on the BC homepage stops working with a timeout message for a short amount of time when the disconnects happen.
As Troy said, the server seemed very laggy on remote.

One error that I saw on remote that I have never seen before was 'FATAL ERROR: NOTCONN' or something along those lines.
Quote from troy :I'm still convinced it was the server or the network from the provider of the server, you could clearly see the lag building up via lfsremote then the connection was lost to remote and nobody could connect to the server for a few minutes. I don't know why always the same teams got booted first but it can't be a coincidence that the server lags and disappears from remote and your tracker on the BC homepage stops working with a timeout message for a short amount of time when the disconnects happen.

We had ~5 times a mass disconnect. Only one time there was no chance to re-connect for the disconnected ones. That was the reason for the red flag.

Remember the tracker runs on the same machine as the LfS-Server does. If your local LfS get problems reaching the server, why should the tracker page still work? Ah yeah, it would work if the LfS-Server itself would be the problem. But both did not work for you. Assuming LfS-Remote does have the same connection problem, as you and the few others have. What does this prove? In fact most of the teams did not have any problems. As far as I can say, I even had no timeout problems with the tracker page and it was running the hole time on a second pc.
Some people reported trouble with the TS3-Server. Maybe there were trouble, but as I said before, this server is running on a totally different hardware.
It is very easy to blame the server and let unsolved questions simply open. But this will not lead to a solution.
Next race we will try to get another stable server form the community. If we have an issue with the server, it should be solved that way.
#82 - troy
Well, I just find it hard to believe that 10 different people in completely different locations got connection problems at the exact same time. And no, every time those disconnects happened you could not connect to the server for a short period of time, everyone in my team trying to connect got error messages for a minute or two. Just because you had no problems doesn't imply that the server was running fine.

edit: But it's good to know you at least go for a different server for the 24h, I certainly wouldn't take part on the same server again.
Troy pretty much covered my thoughts With a serverswap we'll atleast consider racing the 24h.
Sεconds before each disconnect and during each disconnect, team speak had a major "lag" problem where you could hear that someone is speaking but there was no way to understand it because of voice "breaking".

after a couple of minutes Remote was working again, ts3 speech was again ok and we could connect to the server the first that could connect was taking over the car.

I've wondering if the fact that only some of the teams where disconnected (and most of the times the same teams) is that connected member where outside Germany and there was a network problem in the Internet connection of reaching the server from outside?

Just a thought that may help you reach a conclusion of what really happened.
Taking this server for the 24h race again would be very stupid.

Remember the 2010 24h race on AS4r where the server gave up at the 8 hour mark iirc.
Quote from Timo1992 :Remember the 2010 24h race on AS4r where the server gave up at the 8 hour mark iirc.

Quote from Webflat :The great disconnect last year was my horrible mistake. I used a very good insim Admin tool, but joined the race as driver. A very big fault. So that was last year on me. You can see this, as i try to join the box while Admin tool still runnig

Quote from beastie74 :
I've wondering if the fact that only some of the teams where disconnected (and most of the times the same teams) is that connected member where outside Germany and there was a network problem in the Internet connection of reaching the server from outside?

One of our drivers who suffered from the disco's is in Germany.
Quote from Bean0 :One of our drivers who suffered from the disco's is in Germany.

I see, so it's still a mystery for me.
I love this DoP business you know. Last years 24 hour failed. server just decided it wanted a quick sleep. Now this 12 hour race seemed like a disaster. wheres the quality behind all this hard work you put in.
I noticed something just right now...

I had no problems with my connection to the server, but in the moment I drove and a mass disconnect happened, my remote-window lagged on my other screen!
You know, just all cars flew out of the track
Quote from xtraction :I love this DoP business you know. Last years 24 hour failed. server just decided it wanted a quick sleep. Now this 12 hour race seemed like a disaster. wheres the quality behind all this hard work you put in.

If you had read this thread you would know that the issue didn't come from a server problem Sean. I even quoted it a few posts ago since someone else decided to blatently ignore half of this thread aswell.

And, no, the 12 hours race was no disaster. Yes, the race result was very heavily influenced by the server issues, but what can you do about that?I'd be in a good position to yell after we were obliged to pull out because of server problem, after 2 hours of racing and 6 time-outs, but what's the point? I have very often been facing server problems in the events I adminned in the past. And it's a real pain since it is a factor you have more or less no influence on. Unless you bill 5 servers from 5 different companies, but you'd face an obvious money problem then. And it doesn't protect you from unspotted issues occuring randomly at some point in a race.

Time-outs are of course infortunate, but it always is a factor in LFS endurance racing, should they come from the players of the server. This race was not a disaster, as all teams but one(us) saw the finish, some great racing spirit was shown by all teams, and there was no major controversial incident, which is quite an amazing thing to see with the difference of speed between the GTRs and the LRFs. IMO that's the most important thing, and that's what everyone should recall of this event.

Now, all I can wish to the admins is best of luck for the 24 Hours race, hopefully they will find a stable enough server for it.

Quote from phoenixIlooka :I noticed something just right now...

I had no problems with my connection to the server, but in the moment I drove and a mass disconnect happened, my remote-window lagged on my other screen!
You know, just all cars flew out of the track

That's a common issue with Remote. Don't know where that comes from, maybe someone knows more about it.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :I even quoted it a few posts ago since someone else decided to blatently ignore half of this thread aswell.

I didn't decide to ignore half of the thread... mistakes can happen to everybody... I just missed the post of Webflat, that's all.
Quote from xtraction :I love this DoP business you know. Last years 24 hour failed. server just decided it wanted a quick sleep. Now this 12 hour race seemed like a disaster. wheres the quality behind all this hard work you put in.

have you ever raced here or do you just wann say something, i've taken part in all of the races, in the last three years and really the admins aren't the ones to blame, they're doing a very good job.

I noticed that even the lfsworld stats aren't correct in a strange way. It looks like greybull[cha] and crazyskypimp have raced 0 laps, dunno what could've caused that but its another strange thing.
Ha, that's really strange...

This is, what LfS-World says about his stint. He has finished the second race for ineX Racing I bet.

FZR06h 1:13.650+ 222 laps

This says he finished tenth with zero driven laps, no timed lap, but three pit-stops. How did he manage this?
yeah he finnished the second part of the race for us, after our last disconnect I was driving for 3 hours and 15 minutes then he did the last 45 minutes, no idea about the stats. The position is the right one i think but the rest is just nonsence. This together with the loss of remote makes me think that my inital impression it has to be server was just wrong. Maybe the masterserver is to blame. would be good to know for shure for future races :/.
#96 - troy
Even if the masterserver would've gone down, people racing on the server would not be affected by that, the masterserver has nothing to do with disconnects he just connects you to the server and prints the server list (among other things). If it's down new people can't connect but anybody already racing won't even notice that until they decide to leave the current server and try joining a new one.
troy, I hope your're right with your opinion (I explained again and again why I don't share it.). Cause if so, we will not have any problems next race and anyone will be glad.

I've had a few good information here and at our home forum to get an idea of what could had happend. So I thank all who gave me more information. That includes of cause troy. Even information I don't share may lead me to another point of view.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :That's a common issue with Remote. Don't know where that comes from, maybe someone knows more about it.

Means you are lagging, or obviously if it happens to more than just you, it means the server is lagging to the insim relay.
Troy is right actually, AFAIK the master server's main function is to connect people to the server, I've even heard of people still racing online with the master server being down for maintainace.
Yes that's right. But you can't connect to a server anymore, when the connection to the master server is broken due to some reason. That's what someone reported in our forum. The server list contained ~30 server after disconnect instead of ~300 normally shown for him.

And again, I don't want to blame someone else for the problems we had. I would be glad to find a solution to get them solved.
This thread is closed