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Detailed Race Results typo
S3 licensed
It's not a major thing... today I've found a small track name typo in the detailed Race Results report on LFSW. It's Fernbay, while officially it should be Fern Bay. Check the picture. (As long as I'm not finishing my next race, you can check it out on my profile on LFSW, clicking Last race information and then Details.)
S3 licensed
Good race! Count me in next time, too :-) It awesome, I just can't understand why people don't join these races.
S3 licensed
Quote from Kristi :I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but the Auto-updater doesn't work for me, so I had to patch manually. I'm guessing that the changed path for my LFS folder is a no-go for the auto-update.

I've only had a problem with the auto-updater which Flame described (I'm on Windows 7 32bit):

Quote from Flame CZE :Today I tried to update LFS on my laptop with Windows 8.1 running.
After downloading the update it couldn't extract the patch file. So I tried running LFS as administrator and it worked.
Just in case someone else still has got this problem.

S3 licensed
Quote from Sobis :Scawen, remember Cargame pointing out a typo ("mey" instead of "may")? Well it's there again.

Second to last paragraph, middle line.

Well, I reported that, but as Ped7g said, it will be fixed in the next submission. The post: ... php?p=1861066#post1861066
S3 licensed
Look at Today's and Total stats.
S3 licensed
Quote from k_badam :google drve error

If you mean the statistics, I can open that with no problems.
By the way, I'll join you guys on the next race, I hope I won't do too much trouble. GL.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Today I tried to update LFS on my laptop with Windows 8.1 running.

After downloading the update it couldn't extract the patch file. So I tried running LFS as administrator and it worked.

Just in case someone else still has got this problem.

Yeah, maybe a bit late, but I remember I got this error too while trying to update LFS to 0.6F using the automatic in-game updater. Running Windows 7 here, tho.
S3 licensed
Scawen, I've found a small typo in the Oculus setup part of the 0.6F information page and in the Setup Instructions text on Oculus Share (here).
5. section, 2. paragraph, 2. sentence: "This mey be available when your desktop is set to extended..."

S3 licensed
It's been discussed already, just can't find that thread (As soon as I find it, I will add it here)
(This should be in the improvement suggestions forum, imo)
S3 licensed
The new Westhill looks awesome, can't wait to set some PBs on that! Thanks guys for the update and the progress report , keep it up!

I wonder if there were enough changes on existing Westhill line to reset the PBs for WE?
S3 licensed
Using Wi-Fi? Thanks, but no thanks.
S3 licensed
Quote from vitaly_m :After converting I get this: (see attachment)

Seems ok at me (see attachment). (edit: have you used the updated program, or the program in the first post?)
S3 licensed
Sorry for not being clear, I meant the default original textures supplied with LFS. The times I measured are from pressing OK to the disappearance of [generating].
S3 licensed
Great one, fixed my crashes. Finally made the table, I hope I didn't mess up those calculations too hard. (edit: for example Blackwood 1 means BL1 (GP Track), Aston 7 means AS7 (North))
Last edited by MandulAA, .
S3 licensed
Prepared a whole Excel table to compare the original and the converted tex. speeds and the program keeps crashing at random. Sometimes it successfully converts 5 textures, sometimes 25, sometimes even 60. And some of them couldn't be opened.

Crashlog example:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: LFS Texture converter.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 53930a33
Fault Module Name: StackHash_0a9e
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Offset: 10c05876
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Data: 00000008
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1051
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Last edited by MandulAA, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :That's weird,because I have just this:

Then again,must have been some updates to CMX viewer,as mine says 2008 in file info.

Eh... 2008 in the readme here, too.
[CMX Viewer 0.6A] Weather type typo
S3 licensed
Hi, noticed a small typo in the CMX Viewer 0.6A, see the picture. Instead of Cloudy Afternoon it's Cloudy Afternoo. It doesn't change if I select other cars or weather types, so more likely it's a typo rather than a programming bug or a text object bug.
S3 licensed
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Found a little bugie

You are in track selecting screen, server change /weather, and image of current track dissapear. In 0.6E it takes you to the lobby, so you can't see that.

I can confirm this, the track image became grey. Oh bro ... great job ... but ... how the hell do you spot these bugs?!

1. Singleplayer - 2. Track - 3. Select for example KY1 with clear day weather - 4. Press OK to load the track and weather - 5. Click Track again - 6. Write the /weather=2 command to change the weather - 7. the game hangs a bit and then the track image becomes grey.
Last edited by MandulAA, . Reason : Added a more understandable method to reproduce it
S3 licensed
No problem, enjoy racing!
S3 licensed ... AADia5tI1YIdZ4gFqjY7fwdra
(If you want to download them, choose the "Download as .zip" option in the upper-right corner)

Recreated the pics (at least tried to) on the cars' info pages on in bigger resolution. Maybe The Devs will replace those outdated jpgs (don't ask why are they outdated, I just don't like them, they seem so noisy on my monitor ). All (20) cars pictured (order is like in the garage, starting with the first row). Feel free to use them for anything
S3 licensed
Are you using the newest version of LFS (0.6E)? Could you provide us some more details and screenshots of the error? If you get a windows error reporting window (or what's that), click on details and paste the log here. Finally, you can try the newest test patch to find out if that's an error which is now fixed or not. (0.6E15:

EDIT: I saw that you started a thread in which you ask for the original dds files because you want to install a night mod and so on ... Try reinstalling LFS completely, maybe you installed/replaced so many or important files that makes LFS unstable. Dunno.
Last edited by MandulAA, . Reason : +sugg.
S3 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :You can check an older test patch to see if then it crashes, so you know if it is really fixed or maybe you weren't suffering that bug anyway

Tried with 0.6E and 0.6E14, both seems ok. It must be rare problem Fordman had. Sorry for my useless report...
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Thanks, pleased the crash is fixed!

I hope this SoftTH crash reported by Fordman may be fixed too :

Don't know if it's fixed or not:
Downloaded the newest SoftTH (v2.08b alpha test) from their forums, placed that d3d9.dll in LFS folder. LFS started up normally. Started connecting to a host, while connecting switched to windowed mode (Shift+F4), and then back to fullscreen while still connecting to that host, no crashes. Connected to that host, no crashes.
Everything seems ok. Now I don't know what happened at Fordie, maybe you know what should and what shouldn't happen, just tested it.
S3 licensed
Thanks, working well so far, and of course I will come back and report any problems or bugs I encounter with.
S3 licensed
Oh.. how did I miss that sentence...
Worked, did it on the remaining manuals.